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Vocabulary Day 193

Idyllic Thesaurus: Adjective : perfect                   ideal, comfort, charming, idealized, pleasing, pastoral... Antonyms : imperfect, flawed... Example sentences: ·            Is this not an idyllic day? ·            It sounds idyllic.  

Aptitude Day 193

Problems on Simple Interest: 1. Jimmy borrowed some money at the rate of 3% p.a. for the 1 st 5 years, 5% p.a. for the next 7 years and 8% p.a. for the period beyond 15 years. If the total interest paid by him at the end of 15 years is 2220, how much money did he borrow? Solution:                  P*5*3/100 + P*7*5/100 + P*3*8/100 = 2220                  P/100 [15+35+24] = 2220                  P = 100*2220/74                  P = 3000.   2. A financier claims to be lending money at simple interest, but he includes the interest every six months for calculating the principal. If he’s charging an interest of 20%, the effective rate of interest becomes: Solution:                  Let the sum be 100.                  S.I for the 1 st 6 months = 100*1/2*20/100 = 10.                  S.I for the 1 st 6 months = 110*1/2*20/100 = 11.                  The amount at the end of 1 year = 100+10+11 = 121.                                     Eff

Vocabulary Day 192

Loom Thesaurus: Verb : appear           approach, be near, become visible, come into view, emerge, figure, menace, show... Antonyms : hide... Example sentences: ·            It has a looming scope. ·            They loomed in their costumes. 

Aptitude Day 192

Problems on Simple Interest: 1. A sum invested at 3% simple interest p.a. grows to 180 in 2 years. The same amount at 5% simple interest p.a. in 1(1/2) years will grow to: Solution:                 P = 180*100/3*2 = 3000.                 S.I = (3000*5*3/2)/100                 S.I = 90. 2. What will be the ratio of simple interest earned by a certain amount at the same rate of interest for 11 years and that for 22 years? Solution:                 P(11)R/100 : P(22)R/100                 11:22                 1:2.

Vocabulary Day 191

Paltry Thesaurus: Adjective : low                   worthless, cheap, common, poor, limited, beggarly, meager, petty, small... Antonyms : high, worthy, rich... Example sentences: ·            He just got a paltry sum from that work.  ·            Only paltry efforts are required to accomplish that task.

Aptitude Day 191

Problems on Simple Interest: 1. A certain amount earns a simple interest of 2500 after 5 years. Had the interest been 3% more, how much more interest would it have earned? Solution:                  The principal is not given so we couldn’t find the rate. So the data given is inadequate. 2. In how many years, 21000 will produce the same interest at 5% as 180000 produce in 2 years at 3(1/2)? Solution:                     S.I = PTR/100                   21000*5*T/100 = 180000*2*7/100*2                   T = 180000*2*7*100/100*2*5*21000                   T = 12 years.                               

Vocabulary Day 190

Grapple Thesaurus: Verb : catch           attack, battle, clash, grab, cope, deal with, encounter, face, snatch, seize, take... Antonyms : release... Example sentences: ·            The stranger grappled her arm.  ·            They've been grappled by their foes.