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Aptitude Day 206

Problems on Partnership: 1. John started a business investing 8,000. After 2 months, Leonard joined with the capital of 5,000. If at the end of the year, they earn a profit of 4,410, then what will be the share of Leonard in the profit?  Solution:                 8000*12 : 5000*10                 48:25                 48+25 = 63.                Leonard’s share = (4410*25)/ 63                                          = 1,750. 2. A started a software business by investing 49,000. After 4 months, B joined with him with a capital of 70,000. After 2 years, they earned a profit of 23000. What was A’s share in the profit? Solution:                  49000*24 : 70000*20                  21: 25                  A’s profit = 23000*21/46                                  = 10,500.

Vocabulary Day 205

Boner Thesaurus: Noun : mista ke , blunder, blooper, boo- boo, fault, error, goof , g aff e . .. Example sentences: ·          He committed a hu ge boner.  ·           He found that boner and so rted it out. 

Vocabulary Day 206

Apnea Thesaurus: Noun : interruption of a ctivity, breat her, downtime, c ut off, halt, interval, pause ... Antonyms : continuation ... Example sentences: ·          His sleep apnea makes him t ired al ways. ·           M any people are suffering f rom sleep apnea.

Aptitude Day 205

Problems on Partnership: 1. A and B started a business investing 25,000 and 10,000 respectively. In what ratio the profit earned after 3 years be divided between A and B respectively? Solution:                  25000:10000                  5:2 2. A, B and C enter into a partnership investing 69,000, 12,000 and 57,000 respectively. The share of A  in an annual profit of 46,000 is: Solution:                 69000: 12000: 57000                   23: 4: 19                  By adding 23, 4 and 19 we get 46.                  A’s share = (46000*23)/46 = 23,000. 

Vocabulary Day 204

Slate Thesaurus: Noun : list, record, schedule, tablet, a dull dark b luish grey, a thin plate or piece for roofing ... Example sentences: ·          He repaired on e of the slates of the roof.   ·           T he slate has the names of the selected candidates.

Aptitude Day 204

Answers of the Day 203:   1. 1428.57 approximately.                                             2. 864.59. Partnership: Ratio and Division of Gains: When investments of all the partners are of the same time, the gain or loss is distributed among the partners in the ratio of their investments. Suppose A and B invest x and y respectively for a year in a business, then at the end of the year: (A’s share of profit) : (B’s share of profit) = x:y When investments are for different time periods, then equivalent capitals are calculated for a unit of time by taking (capital *number of units of time). Now, gain or loss is divided in the ratio of capitals. Suppose A invests x for p months and B invests y for q months, then (A’s share of profit): (B’s share of profit) = xp: yq. PS: If there is no mentioned time period in the question, the time period should be considered as 1 year.

Vocabulary Day 203

Detrime n tal Thesaurus: Ad jective : adverse, destructive, damaging, disadvantageous, hurtful, injurious, mischievous ... Antonyms : advantageous, benefi cial ... Example sentences: ·          T hese kinds of foods are detrimental to him.  ·           Over usage of ce ll phones are detrimental to our health.