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Aptitude Day 350

Problems to solve on Profit and Loss: 1. A man bought some fruits at the rate of 12 for the cost 20 and sold them at the rate of 6 for the cost of 24. What’s the profit percent? 2. A trader mixes 10 kg of rice at 30 per kg with 20 kg of rice of other variety at 15 per kg and sells the mixture at 50 per kg. His profit is:

Vocabulary Day 349

Surreptitious Thesaurus:  Adjective : sneaky, secret,, hidden, private, fraudulent ...   Antonyms:  honest... Example sentences: ·             He's surreptitious .  ·             She's accused of her surreptitious . 

Aptitude Day 349

Problems on Profit and Loss: 1. If the selling price of 120 articles is equal to the cost price of 80 articles, then the loss or gain percent is: Solution:                 Loss = 40/120*[100]                          = 33(1/3)% 2. On an order of 9 dozen boxes of a consumer product, a retailer receives an extra dozen free. This is equivalent to allowing him a discount of: Solution:                  Equivalent discount = 1/10*[100]                                                    = 10%

Vocabulary Day 348

Burly Thesaurus:  Adjective :  husky, hulky, hefty, hunk, muscular, strong ...   Antonyms:  slim, light, thin... Example sentences: ·             It looks  burly . ·              He got a  burly  body.

Aptitude Day 348

Profit and Loss Formulae: Gain = Selling price – Cost price. Loss = Cost price – Selling price. Gain % = (Gain*100)/Cost price. Loss % = (Loss*100)/Cost price. 

Vocabulary Day 347

Lanky Thesaurus:  Adjective :  tall and thin, gaunt, lean, slender, scraggy, weedy, bony ...  Antonyms:  squat, fat, chunky... Example sentences: ·             He's lanky . ·              Feed the girl, she looks  lanky .  

Aptitude Day 346

Problems on Odd man out and Series: Find the odd man out: 1. 4, 7, 10, 13, 15 Solution:                  The order is in the form of 3n+1. Instead of 15, we should have 16. So 15 is the odd one. 2. 1, 1, 2, 6, 24, 96, 100 Solution:                  Keep on multiplying with 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 to get the next number. So 100 is wrong.