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Replace your bad attitude with the good one

                Hey friends. How are you? Today's topic is about attitude. Attitude is everything which exhibits who we are. So it's really important to have the good one. But the thing is that our own habits determine our attitude. So let's check it out our bad habits and turn them into the good ones. Habits make a huge impact on our lives. Good habits lead to a peaceful, happy and a successful life whereas bad ones lead to a destructive life. Not only the bad habits, even a bad thought is a sin. So how can we get rid of them? There are so many ways to do it. But the most important thing is that you should have some wish to discard them. So let's get started.

                Now, take a paper and make 2 columns on it. In the first one, you should write down the causes of your bad attitude( Since all the bad habits, thinking etc will have an origin ). So just find it out to discard them completely from the root. And now in the second column, make a list of habits to be cultivated by you. Make this list based on your priority, like which habit you should neglect and cultivate first.

               When you feel like that you couldn't find it all at that right time. Don't fret, take this paper with you and make a note on it( when you couldn't, do it on your phone and later shift them to the paper) whenever you feel like that you're doing something wrong. Undoubtedly, In your deep inside, it'll confess to you. As well as complete the second column. When you feel like that you've done with the list, Start your mission.

               On the first day, take this note at morning and consider the first one in the first column and make an oath to abolish it by trying not to think or do that particular thing on that whole day. There are many ways to discard them like when you've the feel to do that, just take off that thought from your mind and concentrate on the first point on the second column.This is not like that you're running from the problems.When you do this, whenever the bad thought comes, your brain pattern will automatically change that bad thinking pattern into the good one which you're trying to develop. So eventually, you'll get rid of the bad one and can develop a good one.

               Actually, this was told by my mom, when I was really suffering from the negative thoughts which agonized me not to do any of the stuff which needs to be done. I was really frustrated and couldn't concentrate on anything. I tried a lot of techniques, but I failed. So once she told me to replace the negative thoughts with the positive ones. I followed this with little praying and positive affirmations. This works for me and now I'm happy with my positive thoughts. Similarly, you can replace your bad habits with the good ones.

              The other way is that to just think of the root like Why're you thinking or doing like that?  Are there any benefits of doing them? Absolutely not. When you're cursing others or taking revenge or thinking or speaking bad kinds of stuff about them( when someone hurts you), it just only hurt us, disturbs our inner peace and happiness. If someone hurts you by saying or doing something, just leave them like a silly with a smile by thinking that sooner or later they'll face their own karma. The things which you're doing are your own karma. Think about it and act accordingly. Okay now, when you have done with the first one in both the columns, strike out the bad habit in the paper as much as possible and make any mark as you wish on the good habit but don't strike out the good one. Now celebrate it by giving you a small treat or something that you would love to do. This makes you feel great. Then go for the second one and do this repeatedly. When you have done with the whole list, tear the paper into pieces and feel free .. Have a peaceful and happy life.

             Good habits help you to keep you on the track of your goals. For a successful life, our day to day activities plays a major role. So don't try to look at the end of the road, instead, concentrate on the 24 hours which is just before you. I know it's cliche, but it really helps. So make sure to overcome the bad habits and build the new good habits which help you to reach your desired destination as well as your desired classy attitude. Hope you find these useful guys. Lemme know in the comment section below. See you soon buddies...


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