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Showing posts from December, 2017

Aptitude and Vocabulary

     "Cheers to a new year and another chance for us to get it right"                                                                        - Oprah Winfrey               Happy New Year friends... I hope you already with your new resolutions. Even I've taken few. So let's hold our hands together to start this new wonderful journey. This is an info. So please take a few minutes of your time to read out this.                    I've planned to do the following. Daily I'll be posting 2 posts, one is for aptitude (objective type questions or sometimes riddles) and the other one is for vocabulary as well as I'll post some contents occasionally based on our main objective which is Know Yourself .   As I told you before, in the journey of Independent life, the very first step you should take is to know yourself. So you may ask, what's the use of practising or learning aptitude and vocabulary? But there is a reason for everything. The ultimate

Vocabulary Day 1

ADHERE Thesaurus: Verb : conform to or follow rules exactly            obey, abide by, be loyal, keep maintain, fulfil... Antonyms : disjoin, not conform... Verb : stick either physically or mentally           attach, cement, fix, glue, hold fast... Antonyms : loose, separate Example sentences:    Adhere  to the traffic rules.   Paint won't  adhere  well to a glossy surface.  Check out this  Vocabulary DAY 2                                                              

Aptitude Day 1

To find the  Place value(Local value)  and the  Face value  of a digit in a Numeral. I'll explain this using an example which is given below.     Example: 657903.  What's the Place and the Face values of 7 in this numeral and find the difference between them.           Here the  Place value of 7 is 7000  because 7 is in the thousandths place so 7*1000= 7000 whereas the face value is the number itself so  the face value of 7 is 7.         The difference between them is  7000 - 7 = 6993 .  That's all about this problem. Lemme give you some questions to solve.  1. What's the difference between the place value and the face value of 6 in the numeral 937625? 2. What's the difference between the place and face values of 4 in the numeral 854037? 3. What's the sum of the place and the face values of 8 in the numeral 250893? 4. What's the sum of the face and the place values of 7  in the numeral 67811096? Check out the answers over h

Discard your anger by blaming yourself

          Hey guys. Today we're gonna discuss the causes of anger. We all know that the anger is our worst enemy which spoils our entire mood as well as causes harm to our health. Some of the reasons for this anger are Expectations, Impatience, Mistakes etc.. Expectations           Expectations play a major role over here which is the root causes of anger. For example, consider a situation in a relationship( It may be love, friendship or anything). You're expecting them to spend their time with you( imagine yourself with any situation) and you've found that they're busy or not interested or even gets bored on you and they'll start avoiding you which leads to anger. Another example, if you're always seeking others to help you and at some point, if they couldn't do it, you'll be disturbed and irritated. This is because you're always depending on someone to live your life. In the journey to the Independent life, you should first discover the