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Discard your anger by blaming yourself

          Hey guys. Today we're gonna discuss the causes of anger. We all know that the anger is our worst enemy which spoils our entire mood as well as causes harm to our health. Some of the reasons for this anger are Expectations, Impatience, Mistakes etc..


          Expectations play a major role over here which is the root causes of anger. For example, consider a situation in a relationship( It may be love, friendship or anything). You're expecting them to spend their time with you( imagine yourself with any situation) and you've found that they're busy or not interested or even gets bored on you and they'll start avoiding you which leads to anger. Another example, if you're always seeking others to help you and at some point, if they couldn't do it, you'll be disturbed and irritated. This is because you're always depending on someone to live your life. In the journey to the Independent life, you should first discover the causes of anger where all the secrets lie. When you find those, you'll see most of the reasons belong to the category called Expectation.Get rid of them by a few tricks.

        Just think of it. Why can't you do those things by yourself?  I say just blame you. Why can't you spend your valuable time with yourself? If you can't spend your time with you and then who else? Think about it. Ask these questions to yourself.

           Am I too boring for myself?

           Why am I seeking others to help me to do my own works?
           Am I afraid of doing things alone?


       Ask as many questions as possible and try to answer for those. After finding the answers (reasons for those questions) try to replace that habit with the other good one. So here I'll suggest my previous post Replace your bad attitude with the good ones. Hope this will help you. For example, I'll share my own experience. A year back I was really afraid of going outside and I'll keep on worrying about what others will think of me. Actually, I was not like this before(2 to 3 years back). I was an outgoing person and so and so. But when I stuck in the habit of being at home and not going outside for other reasons rather than going to my college, I couldn't  come out of this. I need someone to go out which makes me depend on someone and when they unable to come with me (or not interested) they just avoided me which hurt me a lot and that turns to anger. See one expectation leads to 

          Couldn't accomplish anything on my own 
          Feeling hurt and anger

          Feeling alone 

      So I realized this and nowadays I'm taking some steps to go alone to the nearby places. Soon I'll overcome this weakness completely and I'll try to do anything on my own. A simple hindering habit changed me completely from being me. So please don't expect from anyone instead expect from yourself. Try to spend time with yourself, make an effort to understand yourself which helps you to find your passion, do the things by yourself so there is no need to depend on others ( there are few things to depend on others, after all, life is all about helping each other, but not in all kinds of stuff). Doing things alone helps you to be brave, overcome your fears, you'll be able to know your calibre etc.  So enjoy doing things alone. There is no place for expectations and no place for anger. 

      We'll meet again in part 2 because there are more to say.  Please provide some feedback which helps me to a greater extent. and do share your experiences and your own ideas. Thank you for spending your valuable time. See you soon.

        You can find the part 2 in here.


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