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Aptitude and Vocabulary


"Cheers to a new year and another chance for us to get it right"  

                                                                     - Oprah Winfrey

              Happy New Year friends... I hope you already with your new resolutions. Even I've taken few. So let's hold our hands together to start this new wonderful journey. This is an info. So please take a few minutes of your time to read out this. 
              I've planned to do the following. Daily I'll be posting 2 posts, one is for aptitude (objective type questions or sometimes riddles) and the other one is for vocabulary as well as I'll post some contents occasionally based on our main objective which is Know Yourself. As I told you before, in the journey of Independent life, the very first step you should take is to know yourself. So you may ask, what's the use of practising or learning aptitude and vocabulary? But there is a reason for everything. The ultimate goal of this page is to know yourself first and develop the lacking abilities to live your life Independently. 
             First thing is aptitude. This is for training your mind to think in different ways to solve any problems in your life and concentrating for whole 5 minutes without any distractions help you to increase your concentration power and also it's kinda brain exercise to improve your mindset and helps you to relax. So I request you to check out these aptitudes at a particular time daily. It may be 6.00 AM-6.05 AM or 5.00 PM-5.05 PM which is based on your convenient. But in my opinion, I would say you can do this either early morning right after your exercise (or yoga) before getting to head up your day or the very first thing you should do at evening because this helps you to trigger your mind to get more works done. 

            The second is the vocabulary which is literally important for effective communication, confidence etc... This is not only useful for your professional life but also to your personal life. So, I'll be posting about one kinda stuff on both topics. In aptitude, first I'll tell you how it works and then I'll provide some questions to solve and their answers will be posted in the next day's post. In vocabulary, the thesaurus of one particular word and its usage in sentences. I hope this will be useful to you. So stay tuned. These links go to today's posts. Aptitude Day 1 & Vocabulary Day 1

PS: I used to refer several resources to create the posts regarding Aptitude and Vocabulary and it's impossible to acknowledge them all and I'm grateful to them.  


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