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Showing posts from August, 2018

Vocabulary Day 200

Beaver Thesaurus: Noun : industrious person             active person, ambitious person, busy person, no slouch, workhorse, doer, dynamo, self-starter... Example sentences: ·            He's such a beaver.   ·            He must seek the help of a beaver to get things done. 

Aptitude Day 200

Problems on Simple Interest: 1. A invested an amount of 1000 at the rate of 9% p.a. simple interest and another amount at the rate of 4% p.a. simple interest. The total interest earned at the end of 1 year on the total amount invested became 8% p.a. Find the total amount invested. Solution:                  (1000*9*1)/100 + (x*4*1)/100 = [(1000+x)*8*1]/100                  9000+4x = 8000+8x                  x = 250.                  Principal = 1000+250 = 1250. 2. A finds that due to a fall in the annual rate of interest from 12% to 9(3/2)%, his yearly income diminishes by 90. His capital is: Solution:                  Let the principal be x.                  (x*12*1)/100 – (x*21/2*1)/100 = 90                  3x/100[4-7/2] = 90                  x = 90*200/3                  x = 6000.

Vocabulary Day 199

Whopper Thesaurus: Noun : lie            falsehood, fabrication, untruth, story, deceit, fable, fib... Antonyms : truth, honesty... Example sentences: ·           She caught by telling a whopper. ·            He found that to be a whopper after a long conversation.

Aptitude Day 199

Answers of Day 198:   1. 10%.                                       2. 30,000. Problems on Simple Interest: 1. A sum of 500 is lent at the beginning of a year at a certain rate of interest. After 9 months, a sum of 400 more is lent but at rate thrice the former. At the end of the year, 50 is earned as interest from both the loans. What was the original rate of interest? Solution:                  (500*R*1)/100 + (400*3R*3)/100*4 = 50                  R+9R = 50                  R = 5%. 2. The difference between the simple interest received from 2 different sources on 1000 for 2 years is 10. The difference between their rates of interest is: Solution:                  (1000*R 1 *2)/100 –(1000*R 2 *2)/100 = 10                  R 1 -R 2 = 0.5%

Vocabulary Day 198

Dementia Thesaurus: Noun : mental disorder             derangement, madness, mental deacy, mental deterioration, Alzheimer's disease... Example sentences: ·           It has proven to protect men from dementia later in life.  ·            He's suffering from dementia.

Aptitude Day 198

Problems to solve: 1. A lent 2000 to B for 1 year and 1000 to C for 2 years on simple interest at the same rate of interest and received 400 in all from both of them as interest. The rate of interest per annum is: 2. If the annual rate of simple interest increases from 5% to 7(1/2)%, a man’s yearly income increases by 750. His principal is:

Vocabulary Day 197

Layover Thesaurus: Noun : break            delay, pause, rest, stopover, respite, hiatus... Antonyms : continuation... Example sentences: ·           You can take rest during your layover in China.  ·            Do we have a layover ? 

Aptitude Day 197

Answers of Day 196:   1. 5.                                       2. 6(2/3). Problems on Simple Interest: 1. A sum of money becomes 3/2 of itself in 5 years at a certain rate of simple interest. The rate per annum is: Solution:                  Let the sum be x.                  S.I = 3x/2 – x = x/2                                   R = (x/2)*100/x*5                      = 10%. 2. A lends 5000 to B and a certain sum to C at the same time at 10% p.a. simple interest. If after 2 years, A altogether receives 2500 as interest from B and C, then the sum lent to C is: Solution:                  Let the sum lend to C be x.                  (5000*10*2)/100 + (x*10*2)/100 = 2500                  1/5[5000+x] = 2500                  5000+x = 12500                  x = 7,500.

Vocabulary Day 196

Slouch Thesaurus: Verb : bend            bow, crouch, droop, lounge, sag, lean... Antonyms : Straighten... Example sentences: ·            Don't slouch ! Sit straight.   ·            Slouching leads to back pain.

Aptitude Day 196

Answers of Day 195:  1. 5%                                       2. 4% Problems to Solve: 1. In how much time would the simple interest on a certain sum be 0.25 times the principal at 5% per annum? 2. Simple interest on a certain amount is 4/9 of the principal. If the numbers representing the rate of interest in percent and time in years be equal, then time, for which the principal is lent out, is:

Vocabulary Day 195

Petite Thesaurus: Adjective : small                   baby, miniature, smallish, dainty, bantam, tiny, wee, bitsy... Antonyms : huge, large... Example sentences: ·             Petite girls are cute. ·            He got petite eyes.   

Aptitude Day 195

Problems to Solve: 1. At what rate percent of simple interest will a sum of money will double itself in 20 years? 2. At what rate percent per annum will the simple interest on a sum of money be 3/5 of the amount in 15 years? 

Vocabulary Day 194

Flak Thesaurus: Noun : criticism             abuse, complaint, disapproval, opposition, fault-finding... Antonyms : praise... Example sentences: ·            He gets a lot of flak for his faults.  ·             She's used to that flak.   

Aptitude Day 194

Problems on Simple Interest: 1. A sum of money at simple interest amounts to 1000 in 2 years and to 1080 in 3 years. The sum is: Solution:                  S.I for 1 year = 1080-1000 = 80.                       S.I for 2 years = 2*80 = 160.                  Sum = 1000-160 = 840. 2. A sum of money amounts to 5000 after 3 years and 8000 after 8 years at the same rate of simple interest. The rate of interest per annum is: Solution:                   S.I per annum = (8000-5000)/5 = 600.                   S.I for 8 years = 600*8 = 4800.                   Principal = 8000- 4800 = 3200.                  Rate = (100*4800)/(3200*8)                           = 18.75%.