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Why Procrastinating for the first time is good for you?

   Why Procrastinating for the first time is good for you?

      Hello everyone. What's up? Are you working on your goals effectively? Hope you're doing well. Let's get into the topic Why Procrastinating for the first time is good for you?
Curious... Isn't it?

         As I told you in my earlier post, I've learnt a lot in the last year. Today's post is about the things which I've learnt after I procrastinated my works. Not only I've learnt a few things but also I've developed some good attitudes. I've listed a few.

·        You'll come to know your capacity 

·        You'll overcome your laziness

·        You'll push into the habit of prioritizing even if you're really bad at it

·        You'll get to know your best time management skills

·        You'll develop the Self-Control

·        You'll break your limitations by turning your impossibilities to possibilities

·        You'll come to know about your actual work rate

·        It's a great time to improve your optimism  

You'll come to know your capacity:

         When I failed to post on the regular basis, I had the 3 months of work left which should be completed within a week. By working for 11 hours a day, I completed it anyhow. I was amazed by the quantity as well as the quality of my work because usually, I'll get tired just by working for an hour. Then I come to realize that everything is about your mindset. So, my advise is if you have work to accomplish, just fix the deadline before the actual deadline. Just make your mind to believe it. So you can finish it off before reaching your deadline.

You'll overcome your laziness:

         I was at the point where I must complete a huge task in very less time. So, I didn't even have the time to think about my laziness. I was rushing towards my goal.

You'll push into the habit of prioritizing even if you're really bad at it:

         This is absolutely true. I was a kinda overthinking person but my taking a few measures I overcame them but still while working on something my brain won't let me do my work. It keeps on reminding me of the other unfinished works i.e., the other works will pop up in my mind and those thoughts won't let me do my current work which I'm doing. So I shift around to other works and I finally end up in doing nothing or I'll end up doing something which has less priority. I was really suffering from this habit. But during that week when I was really busy with my work, I was relieved from the habit of overthinking. Not only that I started prioritizing my work effectively the way beyond I think. I got to know about how long I can actually concentrate and my concentration power increased dramatically (Because I've no other way other than concentrate effectively to complete my work on time without any distraction). The results were astounding.

You'll get to know your best time management skills:

         My piece of advice is that if you identify it during this process, try to stick with it and utilize them for your upcoming projects.

You'll develop the Self-Control:

        This is so true guys. I didn't possess this at all and I had a deep desire to acquire it but I was unsuccessful. But after this work, there is a drastic change in my behaviour. I controlled myself from scrolling newsfeed (now I eventually left that addiction completely), watching my favourite series and the other unproductive things which I would love to do.

       Note: I did watch the series but only while having my dinner that too for 15 minutes and I'll start working. This depicts me my real self-control because usually if I sit for dinner with my favourite series, I'll keep on watching it till I go to sleep. But now this is not a case, everything has changed and I embrace that change.

You'll break your limitations by turning your impossibilities to possibilities:

        As I told you before, completing 3 months of work in a week is a daunting task. But I actually did it. So, I came to know about my real calibre as well as I broke my limitations.

You'll come to know about your actual work rate:

       In order to complete your procrastinated work, you'll push yourself to accomplish it on time or before the actual deadline. so, you'll increase your rate of work to do it and you'll get to know the actual speed in which your work can be finished.

       Note: I'm not saying you should pressure yourself to finish off your work each and every time in this manner. If you came to know your speed of work, you can improve your speed from the current one which is affected by your laziness, distraction and you name it.

It's a great time to improve your optimism:

       While you're facing these kinda situations, you shouldn't feel frustrated or disappointed instead you can think in this way, "This is the great time to improve myself to a greater extent in all areas of my life and to know the real me." This helps you to motivated all through your work and eventually, you'll develop that habit.

Final note:

        Once you come to know all the above-mentioned ones or the things which I've missed that you came to know the other things about you, don't ever repeat the act of procrastinating instead use your values which are found during this time to complete everything on time.

        Last but not least. You'll come to know more about yourself in the hardest times of your life. Face everything positively but never ever repeat your mistakes. Keep on learning from the things which are offered by your life because life never stops teaching.  


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