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A review of my 365 days posts on Aptitude and Vocabulary


       Hey everyone. How are you? How's your new year is going on? I hope you've learnt more lessons both personally and professionally from the mistakes you've made in your 2018. Use those lessons to gear up your game in the upcoming years.

           Personally, I've also learnt a lot more lessons in 2018 and I would love to share a few things about it. You people, know that I made a decision to post daily aptitude and vocabulary posts on January 1st, 2018. But due to some situations like my health issues, unexpected trips and exams I couldn't make out on the daily basis. So I've decided to complete at least before January 1st, 2019 but I ended up in finishing on January 3rd.

           To my surprise, I didn't feel any regret for this because I've learnt some valuable life lessons and learnt a lot more about myself actually. Those days helped me to evaluate myself as well as I got to know my calibre, capacity etc you name it and I'm really happy about it. I'll use them to become a better version of myself. I'll share all those things in my upcoming post. I'm so glad that you've been with me on this journey.

            Even though learning something on the daily basis doesn't seem like producing results, it'll cultivate you the way beyond you think. If I didn't place a target for a year to learn these aptitudes and vocabularies, I won't be able to learn all these things. Even though I couldn't make out on time I learnt whatever I've planned for i.e., working out nearly 730 problems and learning 365 new words. So, see the good thing in everything. 

            You can also apply this strategy to any of your works to improve yourself. This doesn't mean you've to assign a task for a year. You can keep a deadline for a month or a week or even for a day. The duration depends on the quantity of your work.

            So guys wish you all the best for the upcoming works which you've been planned to execute in this year. May all your efforts will be fruitful. See you in the next post.


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