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Self Care ( Part 1)


    Hi friends. Good evening. Let's get to the subject straight away. In order to know or find yourself, the very first thing you should do is to take care of yourself.. In order to take care of yourself, you should spend some time for yourself.. We people are very busy in taking care of others. But, how many minutes or hours you're spending your time for yourself?  This is the very first question you should ask yourself in the journey to know yourself. You're a special person like everybody else and you should value yourself first.
        From today,  try to spend some time for yourself by sitting alone and doing nothing. When you start doing this, gradually your inner feelings will show up to you. Listen to them and act accordingly. But I agree, this may be quite difficult for the people who are sociable. Yeah, it's difficult but not impossible.

"You can do anything you set your mind to"- Eminem 

        Even it takes me some time and efforts to do this ( BTW I'm neither an introvert nor an extrovert, somewhere in the middle). But when you start doing this,  you will experience many good things and day by day this will become an addictive thing.
        While doing this we may face many obstacles like distractions, tempt of using your cell phone etc. So how can we overcome those things to achieve our goal? 
I'll help you with some of my tips which were really helpful for me and nowadays I started loving my own company and started loving myself more than before I do. 
         Here are the tips which you may find helpful for you too.  

1. Just 10 minutes 

The first thing is that you should spend your time by doing nothing at least for 10 minutes as I told you before. This can be done in the early morning which is the perfect time to do this. I usually prefer 5 am because at this time everybody will be sleeping. If you aren't a morning person, try to be a one ( I'll help you to be a one in my later posts by sharing the benefits of being a morning person .. so stay tuned). And now we'll get back to our topic. When everything is quiet,  you'll be able to hear your inner voice. Just listen to them. Let them speak. Then you'll be able to know what kinda person you are. It may result in both positive and negative thoughts. Don't worry about the negative thoughts. Everybody has. So no problem..we can overcome that by a few steps ( I'll post about that sooner). 
        The main advantage of the first step is that we can able to know ourselves much better than before and identify our flaws, weaknesses etc. So we'll be able to take some measures to avoid them in our future.

2. Take care of your health 

        The next step is to take care of your health. You must do some yoga or exercises to keep u healthy. This will help you to improve both physically and mentally. 

3. Drink lots of water 

        This is really important. You should drink a lot of water which will make you feel refreshed and your health will be improved to a greater extent. As it removes all the toxins from your body, your skin texture will also be improved etc etc.. So always have your water bottle with you.

 4. Get some fresh air 

        So get some fresh air at morning (7 am to 8 am). At this time, you'll be able to feel the warm weather which boosts you for sure.
The moderate exposure to sun benefits you to a greater extent. You may also have a walk for 10 minutes. Do some eye exercises by watching the sky or staring the leaves of trees for few minutes.
Note: when you're doing these things try to be away from your electronic gadgets. Please don't look at your phone etc. If you can't do this... Try to change your schedule to charge your mobile at morning so you won't be able to take your mobile with you. ( don't ask me that what should I do if I have a power bank? ).

         Spending lone time is not that listening to music or scrolling your newsfeed or using any other electronic gadgets alone. It's about spending your valuable time with your soul.

        Try to do these things and share your experiences in the comment section below. This is the part 1 which includes only the morning routine. I'll be updating the part 2 as soon as possible. You may also share your own ideas regarding self-care. Hope you guys liked this. Thank you for spending your valuable time. Take care. See you all tomorrow. 



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