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Discard your anger by blaming yourself (Part 2)

     Hi friends... How are you? How was your Part 1 experience? Sorry, I couldn't update the post last Sunday. So I'm updating the part 2 now.

             In Part 1, we were talking about the causes of anger due to expectations. If you haven't checked out, have a look over here Discard your anger by blaming yourself and then come back here.

            The next two things are Impatience and Mistakes which are the causes of anger. Let's talk about Impatience. We are in the busy world, we literally don't have time for anything. It may be the results of your hard work or waiting for someone or something. When it takes time more than we expect, the anger sprouts. So how to get rid of them? There is a simple way to do it. That's nothing but the Positive Thinking. You've to think positively. This is the only way that you can get rid of it easily. For example, when you couldn't wait for the result of a thing in which you've been working on it for months and you couldn't see any noticeable difference, you can think in these ways.

         1. Maybe God is showing you that if you're determined about something you can overcome as many hurdles as possible and able to think or try in the different ways to achieve it. He's telling you that you can face any kinda problems in your life if you have a passion for something and that's why you're here even after months.

        2. You'll be able to know your persistence.

        3. Or think in this way, I've been failed for these many times and I stood up again. Why can't I try that again in a different way to reach my goal? We all know that Edison tried for 1001 times to invent the light bulb. But he conveyed that in a different way by saying he had just found that there are 1000 ways that won't work. If he lost his patience while inventing the light bulb, we won't be able to get the benefits from it. So think Positively.

       4. Finally, if you get the feeling that you're doing or trying those things with hatred, don't continue to do that, because you're faking that you like that thing to do due to some circumstances. So just quit that thing and start finding your passion again.

        Another example, when you're waiting for someone for a very long time, don't be frustrated. Instead, think that you've got a surprise lone time to spend with. Actually, you should thank that person for arranging this lone time in your busy schedule when yourself couldn't find time for it. So try to think of these ways to avoid the anger in those situations.

       Now, we're gonna talk about the Mistakes. Don't blame others for your own mistakes. Blame yourself and try to rectify it. But please don't be angry on yourself. Everyone will commit mistakes unknowingly but the thing is you shouldn't repeat that instead, you should learn from it. For example, if a person keeps on talking to you while you're working on something and at last, you won't be able to finish that work. At this time, your mind tells you that if that person didn't disturb me at that time, I'll be able to finish off my works. So automatically, your mind blames others for justifying your own faults. Please don't do that. It's your own fault that you haven't given a priority to your own work. And then, you'll be angry at them for the things not done and you'll be thinking that continuously and you'll waste your time again by blaming them and you end up with the frustration doing nothing. Not only this, when you keep on complaining and blaming others for the works not done, it'll become a habit and you won't be able to get things done. You'll make an excuse easily for the works not done by blaming others and you may not find guilty because you're blaming others right, there is no fault on you. This may hinder you from all the process. So I say, just don't do it, instead make some plans regarding how to overcome these kinds of situations. While handling this, you should be polite to others and try not to hurt their feelings. Sometimes you couldn't do that because at that time your friend or your mom may seek your help. Those cases are exceptional. Here I'm talking about the unwanted chats like gossiping etc... So don't blame others for your own mistakes and take responsibility for them.

      That's all about this content. You may have some things in your mind regarding this. So feel free to share with us in the comments which may be useful to all. Thank you for reading. See you in the next post.



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