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Showing posts from April, 2018

Vocabulary Day 100

Eminence Thesaurus: Noun: fame, significance, high ground             celebrity, credit, dignity, esteem, importance, greatness, renown, reputation, altitude, elevation, hill, height, project, raise...                                           Antonyms: unimportance, inferiority, low ground . ..                                       Example sentences: ·        They are brought to this eminence. ·        Her eminence reached beyond the nation.  

Aptitude Day 100

                Hey guys... I'm glad to have you all over here on the 100th day. Hope you're finding my daily posts useful. Let's keep on improving in the upcoming days too. Thank you guys for taking part in this journey... Ratio and Proportion: Answers of Day 99: 1. 3:4:5 2. 15:8 Problems: 1. 5 litres of a mixture contains milk and water in the ratio 2:1. If 2 litres of this mixture be replaced by 2 litres of milk, the ratio of milk to water in the new mixture would be: Solution:                 In 3 litres, the quantity of milk = (2/3)*3 = 2 litres.                 In 5 litres,                           The quantity of milk = 2+2 = 4 litres.                           The quantity of water = 5-4 = 1 litre.                 The new ratio is 4:1. 2. 30 litres of a mixture contains 10% alcohol and the rest water. If 1 litre of water is mixed with it, the percentage of alcohol in the new mixture would be: Solution:                 (10/100)*30 = 3 li

Aptitude Day 99

Ratio and Proportion: Answers of Day 98: 1. 16 2. 45 Problems to solve: 1. If A/3 = B/4 = C/5, then A:B:C is: 2. If 2A = 3B and 4B = 5C, then A:C is: Reference: Quantitative Aptitude By R.S. Aggarwal. 

Vocabulary Day 99

Gracious Thesaurus: Adjective: big-hearted                    kind, giving, approachable, charitable, generous, helpful, warm-hearted...                                           Antonyms:  greedy, mean, selfish, unkind . ..                                       Example sentences: ·        Jack's family liked her graciousness. ·        He's gracious to his employees. 

Aptitude Day 98

Ratio and Proportion: Answers of Day 97: 1. 24 2. 5:1 Problems to solve: 1. In a ratio, which is equal to 3:4, if the antecedent is 12, then the consequent is: 2. The ratio between 2 numbers is 3:4 and their L.C.M is 180. The first number is: Reference: Quantitative Aptitude By R.S. Aggarwal. 

Vocabulary Day 98

Erratic Thesaurus:    Adjective: unpredictable                    bizarre, devious, abnormal, irregular, wandering, peculiar, odd, shifting, uncertain, weird, volatile...                                           Antonyms:  certain, regular, unchanging, steady, predictable . ..                                       Example sentences: ·        She is an erratic singer.   ·        Her erratic plans made her feel helpless.   

Aptitude Day 97

Ratio and Proportion: Answers of Day 96: 1. 400 2. 1/55 Problems to solve:  1. The fourth proportional to 5, 8, 15 is: 2. The ratio of third proportional to 12 and 30 and the mean proportional between 9 and 25 is: Reference: Quantitative Aptitude By R.S. Aggarwal. 

Vocabulary Day 97

Randy Thesaurus:    Adjective: rude                   cheap, lustful, crude, disorderly, lewd, indecent...                                           Antonyms:  gentle, nice . ..                                       Example sentences: ·        He's such a randy man.  ·        People tend to avoid randy personalities. 

Vocabulary Day 96

Aloof Thesaurus:    Adjective: remote                   detached, distant, apart, forbidding, offish, cold fish, unemotional person, cold, unfriendly, uninterested, unsympathetic, unsociable...                                           Antonyms: sociable, friendly . ..                                       Example sentences: ·        She is aloof from others point of you.  ·       One must not be aloof  all the time.   

Aptitude Day 96

Ratio and Proportion: Answers of Day 95: 1. 12 2. 28 Problems to solve: 1. 1210 were divided among A, B, C so that A:B = 5:4 and B:C = 9:10. Then C gets: 2. A fraction which bears the same ratio to 1/27 that 3/11 does to 5/9, is equal to: Reference: Quantitative Aptitude By R.S. Aggarwal. 

Vocabulary Day 95

Jingo Thesaurus:    Noun: Chauvin             a war hawk, a warlike person, militarist...                                           Antonyms:  dove . ..                                       Example sentences: ·        She is such a violent jingo. ·        Jingoes are hard to deal. 

Aptitude Day 95

Ratio and Proportion: Answers of Day 94: 1. 6 2. 204 Problems to solve: 1. If 76 is divided into 4 parts proportional to 7, 5, 3, 4, then the smallest part is: 2. Two numbers are in the ratio 1:2. If 7 is added to both, their ratio changes to 3:5. The greatest number is: Reference: Quantitative Aptitude By R.S. Aggarwal. 

Vocabulary Day 94

Boisterous Thesaurus:    Adjective: loud, unruly                   noisy, rowdy, uproarious, wild, impetuous, brawling, mischievous...                                           Antonyms:  calm, silent . ..                                       Example sentences: ·        They are really boisterous. ·        That makes us feel boisterous . 

Aptitude Day 94

Ratio and Proportion: Answers of Day 93: 1. 5:8 2. 2 Problems to solve: 1. If (a+b):(b+c):(c+a) = 6:7:8 and (a+b+c) = 14, then the value of c is: 2. If 782 be divided into 3 parts, proportional to 1/2: 2/3: 3/4, then the first part is: Reference: Quantitative Aptitude By R.S. Aggarwal. 

Vocabulary Day 93

Nincompoop Thesaurus:    Noun: stupid             blockhead, fool, ninny, idiot, simpleton...                                           Antonyms:  brain . ..                                       Example sentences: ·        I've to prove that nincompoop wrong. ·        He's such a nincompoop.   

Aptitude Day 93

Ratio and Proportion: Answers of Day 92: 1. 29:22 2. 4:3 Problems to solve: 1. If x/5 = y/8, then (x+5):(y+8) is: 2. If a/3 = b/4 = c/7, then (a+b+c)/c is: Reference: Quantitative Aptitude By R.S. Aggarwal.

Vocabulary Day 92

Congregate Thesaurus:    Verb: gather            collect, assemble, convene, bring together, gang up, round up, throng...                                           Antonyms:  divide, scatter . ..                                       Example sentences: ·        That congregation was planning to move there.  ·        Children congregate in this park. 

Aptitude Day 92

Ratio and Proportion: Problems to solve: 1. If x:y = 5:2, then (8x+9y): (8x+2y) is: 2. If 15% of x = 20% of y, then x:y is: Reference: Quantitative Aptitude By R.S. Aggarwal.

Vocabulary Day 91

Apogee Thesaurus:    Noun: crest             top, highest point, head, pinnacle, vertex ...                                           Antonyms: bottom . ..                                       Example sentences: ·        She excelled in the subject and reached the apogee.   ·        He's planning to reach the apogee of that mountain.  

Aptitude Day 91

Ratio and Proportion: 1.  An alloy is to contain copper and lead in the ratio 3:5. The required to be melted with 27 kg of copper is: Solution:                Let the required lead to be melted be x.                3:5 :: 27:x                 3x = 5*27                x = 45.   2. 40 kg of an alloy X is mixed with 90 kg of alloy Y. If alloy X has zinc and tin in the ratio 2:3 and alloy Y has tin and lead in the ratio 4:5, then the amount of tin in the new alloy is : Solution:                 Let the amount of tin in the new alloy be a.                 Amount of tin in X and Y:                 (40/5)*3 = 24. (In alloy X)                 (90/9)*5 = 50. (In alloy Y)                 a = 24+50                    = 74.

Aptitude Day 90

Ratio and Proportion: 1.  An amount of 1990 is divided among X, Y and Z such that their shares be reduced by 6, 3 and 1 respectively, the remainders shall be in the ratio of  5:3:2. Then Z’s ratio was: Solution:                 1990-(6+3+1) = 1980.                 Total parts = 10.                  Z’s share = (1980/10)* 2                                 = 396. 2.  The ratio between 2 numbers   is 3:7 and their L.C.M is 1890.The second number is: Solution:                The numbers are 3x and 7x.                Their L.C.M is 21x.                21x = 1890                 x = 90.            The second number is 7x = 7(90)                                                           = 630.

Vocabulary Day 90

Whilst Thesaurus:    Conjunction: during                         while, at the same time, as long as...                                      Example sentences: ·        She did her chores whilst listening to music.  ·        He danced whilst playing the guitar. 

Aptitude Day 89

Ratio and Proportion: 1.  The ratio of third proportional to 10 and 20 and the mean proportional between 49 and 64 is: Solution:                 Let the third proportional be x.                 10:20::20:x                 4x= 20*20                 x= 40.                The mean proportional between 49 and 64 is (49*64) 1/2 = 7*8 = 56.                The ratio between them is 40: 56                                                                 5: 7        2. In a ratio, which is equal to 4:9, if the antecedent is 16, then the consequent is: Solution:                 Let the consequent be x.                 4/9  = 16/x                 x = (16*9)/4                 x = 36.       

Vocabulary Day 89

Nuzzle  Thesaurus:                                     Verb: cuddle            pet, snug, caress, burrow, snuggle, hug, embrace...                             Antonyms:  release, push . ..  Example sentences: ·        He used to nuzzle his girlfriend always.  ·       Dogs are best at nuzzle . 

Aptitude Day 88

Ratio and Proportion: 1.  In a mixture of 20 litres, the ratio of oil and water is 3:1. If the ratio is to be 1:3, then the quality of water to be further added is : Solution:                 The sum of the ratio(3+1) = 4.                 (20/4)*3 = 15 litres of oil.                 20-15 = 5 litres of water.                                    15/(5+x) = 1/3                 45 = 5+x                 x = 40.     2. The third proportional to (x 2 -y 2 ) and (x+y) is: Solution:                  Let the third proportional be z.                  (x 2 -y 2 ): (x+y) :: (x+y) : z                  z(x 2 -y 2 ) = (x+y) 2                  z = (x+y) 2 / (x+y)(x-y)                  z = x+y/x-y.

Vocabulary Day 88

Scandalize  Thesaurus:    Noun: defame             backbite, decry, dishonour, offend, outrage, shock...                                           Antonyms:  honour, praise . ..                                         Verb: displease            offend, revile, smear, defame...                                           Antonyms:  impress, please . ..  Example sentences: ·        That news scandalized everyone. ·        He looks scandalized. 

Aptitude Day 87

Ratio and Proportion: 1.  If 60% of a number is equal to one-fourth of another number, what’s the ratio of first number to the  second number? Solution:                  Let the 2 numbers be x and y.                  (60/100)x = (1/4)y                  x/y = 5/12                The ratio is 5:12. 2. What least number must be subtracted from each of the numbers 9, 11, 16 and 5 so that the remainders may be proportional? Solution:                 Let the least number be x.                (9-x)/(11-x) = (6-x)/(5-x)                (9-x)(5-x) = (6-x)(11-x)                45-9x-5x+x 2 = 66-6x-11x+x 2                3x = 21                x = 7.

Vocabulary Day 87

Stroll Thesaurus:    Noun: ramble            get some fresh air, lazy walk, wander...                                           Antonyms:  run, rush . ..                                         Example sentences: ·        We just headed out for an evening stroll .   ·        You may go for a stroll to feel refreshed.