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Showing posts from October, 2018

Vocabulary Day 220

Probation Thesaurus: Noun :   trial period, test period, trial, noviciate, apprenticeship ... Example sentences: ·            He was put on a probation for a year. ·             In order to know them, they must be put on probation.

Aptitude Day 220

Answers of Day 219:    1. 10000                                        2. 4.5 Problems on Surds and Indices: 1. (64) -1/2 - (-32) -4/5 is ? Solution:                  1/(8 2 ) 1/2 -  1/(2 5 ) 4/5                 = 1/8 - 1/16                         = 1/16. 2. (18) 3.5 / (27) 3.5 * 6 3.5 = 2 x . Find x. Solution:                  (2*3 2 ) 3.5 / (3 3 ) 3.5 *(2*3) 3.5                  2 3.5 *3 7  * 1/3 10.5 * 2 3.5 * 3 3.5                   2 7 =2 x                   Hence x = 7.                  

Vocabulary Day 219

Wuss Thesaurus: Noun :   timid person, coward, wimp, baby, chicken, nervous person, fault finder, sissy, yellow belly, jellyfish... Antonyms : brave... Example sentences: ·            He's such a wuss. ·             Don't be a wuss. 

Aptitude Day 219

Problems to solve on Surds and Indices: 1. (10) 150 / 10 146 is ? 2. (8) 3.5 *(8) x = 8 8 . Find x.

Vocabulary Day 218

Bituminous Thesaurus: Adjective :   dark, black, coal-black, ebony, inky, midnight, pitch-dark, pitch-black, sable, raven, dingy ... Antonyms : white... Example sentences: ·           They've extracted the bituminous coal. ·            Bituminous coal is used to produce steam for electricity and other industrial use. 

Aptitude Day 218

Problems on Surds and Indices: 1. The value of (1000) 7 / (10) 18 is : Solution:                  (10 3 ) 7 / (10) 18                  = 10 21-18                  = 10 3                  = 1000. 2. The value of (256) 0.16 *(256) 0.09 is: Solution:                   (256) 0.16 *(256) 0.09                     = (256) 0.16+0.09                   = (256) 25/100                   = (256) 1/4                   = (4 4 ) 1/4                            = 4.

Vocabulary day 217

Gunny Thesaurus: Noun :   fabric, cloth, sacking, wrapping, bag... Example sentences: ·           We packed the rice in the gunny bags. ·            Gunny bags help us to carry the waste in a lump. 

Aptitude Day 217

Problems on Surds and Indices: 1. Find the value of (2 1/4 -1)(2 3/4 +2 1/2 +2 1/4 +1) Solution:                   Let us assume 2 1/4 = x                      Then   (2 1/4 -1)(2 3/4 +2 1/2 +2 1/4 +1) becomes   (x-1)(x 3 +x 2 +x+1)                    (x-1)(x 3 +x 2 +x+1)= (x-1)[x 2 (x+1)+x+1]                                                  =(x-1)(x+1)(x 2 +1)                                                  = (x 4 -1)                                                  = 2 1(4)/4 -1 = 2-1                                                  = 1. 2. The value of 1/(216) -2/3  +   1/(256) -3/4    +   1/(32) -1/5 is :           Solution:                  1/(216) -2/3  +   1/(256) -3/4    +   1/(32) -1/5                    1/(6 3 ) -2/3  +   1/(4 4 ) -3/4    +   1/(2 5 ) -1/5                  6 2 + 4 3 + 2 = 36+ 64+ 2                                   = 102.

Vocabulary Day 216

Tenfold Thesaurus: Adjective :   having ten of something, decimal, denary, decagonal, decennial ... Example sentences: ·            His profit has increased tenfold within a year. ·            The workplace scenario has changed tenfold when compared to the past decade.

Aptitude Day 216

Surds and Indices: Don’t be threatened by just seeing these equations. Just go through it. You may come across these in your lower grades. Things to know about Indices: a m *a n = a m+n a m / a n = a m-n (a m ) n = a mn (ab) n = a n b n (a/b) n = a n /b n a 0 = 1 Things to know about Surds: n √a = a 1/n n √ab = n √a   * n √b n √a/b = n √a   / n √b ( n √a) n = a   m √ n √a = mn √a ( n √a) m = n √a m

Vocabulary Day 215

Braise Thesaurus: Verb :   bake, prepare food, usually using heat, boil, barbecue, burn, fry ... Example sentences: ·            The onions are braised in the coconut oil. ·             Initially, the dishes must be braised in water. 

Aptitude Day 215

Answers of the Day 214:   1. 6.                                             2. 8,000. Problems on Partnership: 1. P and Q are partners in a business. P contributes 1/4 of the capital for 15 months and Q received 2/3 of the profit. For how long B’s money was used? Solution:                  Let the capital be x and profit be z.                                  Q’s profit = 2/3(z).                  P’s profit = z - 2/3(z) = z/3.                  Their ratio z/3 : 2z/3 = 1: 2                  If P contributes 1/4 of the capital, then Q contributes 3/4 of the capital and Q’s money used for 'a' months.                  1/4(x) *15 / 3/4(x) *a = 1/2                  a = 10 months.   2.   3 partners shared the profit in a business in the ratio 2:3:4. They had partnered for 10 months, 12 months and 8 months respectively. What was the ratio of their investments? Solution:                  10x: 12y: 8z = 2: 3: 4                  Eq

Vocabulary Day 214

Legume Thesaurus: Noun :   herb, greens, edible part of a plant, salad ... Example sentences: ·            Legumes are nutritious to our health.  ·             One must add the legumes in their daily diet.

Aptitude Day 214

Problems to solve: 1. A began a business with 50,000. He was joined afterwards by B with 25,000. For how much period does B join, if the profits at the end of the year are divided in the ratio 4:1? 2. A starts a business with 6,000 and after 6 months, B joins with A as his partner. After a year, the profit is divided in the ratio 3:2. What is B’s contribution to the capital?

Vocabulary Day 213

Cheddar Thesaurus: Noun :   petty cash, small change, pocket money, hard yellow cheese ... Example sentences: ·             I would love to add cheddar to that dessert.  ·             He used his cheddar for funding. 

Aptitude Day 213

Problems on Partnership: 1. A, B and C jointly thought of engaging themselves in a business venture. It was agreed that A would invest 5,000 for 6 months, B, 7,000 for 3 months and C, 9,000 for 2 months. C wants to be the working member for which he was to receive 3% of the profits. The profit earned was 2,300. Calculate the share of A in the profit. Solution:                  C receives 3% from the profit = 2,300*(3/100) = 69.                  Now the profit will be 2,300-69 = 2231.                  Their ratio is 5000*6: 7000*3: 9000*2                                           10: 7: 6                  By adding these ratios, we get 23.                  A’s share in the profit 2231 = 10/23 *(2231)                                                              = 970. 2. A and B started a business investing in the ratio of 5:6. C joined them after 6 months investing an amount equal to that of B’s. At the end of the year, 20% profit was earned which w

Vocabulary Day 212

Ploy Thesaurus: Noun :   play, scheme, trick,  game, dodge, maneuver, tactic, ruse ... Example sentences: ·           It was his ploy to cheat on them. ·            He used that  ploy on the people to allure them.  

Aptitude Day 212

Problems on Partnership: 1. A, B and C enter into a partnership in the ratio 2/5: 3/4: 1/3. After 6 months, B increases his share by 80%. If the total profit at the end of one year is 42,800, then C’s share in the profit is: Solution:                  24x(12) : (45x*6 + 180/100*45x*6) : 20x*12                  24(12) : 54(14) : 24(10)                  24: 63: 20                  By adding the above ratio, we get 107.                  C’s share = 42,800*20/107 = 8,000. 2. A and B entered into a partnership with capitals in the ratio 2:3. After 4 months, A withdrew 1/2 of his capital and B withdrew 1/3 of his capital. The gain at end of 12 months was 1430. A’s share in this profit is: Solution:                  (2x*4)+[(2x-(2x/2))*8] : (3x*4)+ [(3x-(3x/3))*8]                   8x+8x : 12x+16x                  4: 7                  By adding the above ratio, we get 11.                 A’s share in the profit = 1430*4/11 = 520. 

Vocabulary Day 211

Heinous Thesaurus: Adjective :   bad, awful, horrifying, monstrous, evil, vicious, dangerous ... Antonyms : lovely, glorious, good... Example sentences: ·            He's heinous in nature. ·            Their act is heinous .

Aptitude Day 211

Problems on Partnership: 1. A and B started a partnership business investing some amount in the ratio 5:3. C joined them after 4 months with an amount equal to that of B. In what proportion should be the profit at the end of the year be distributed among A, B and C? Solution:                   Let the amount invested be x.                   Their ratio will be:                   5x*12: 3x*12: 3x*8                   5: 3: 2                  2. A, B and C enter into a partnership in the ratio 1/7: 1/5: 1/2. After 6 months, A withdraws half of his capital and after 6 months, a profit of 339 is divided among them. What’s C’s share? Solution:                  1/7: 1/5: 1/2                  This ratio can be written as 10: 14: 35                  By adding the above ratio, we get 59.                  (10x*6 + 5x*6): 14x*12 : 35x*12                  (60x+30x) : 14x*12 : 35x*12                  15: 28: 70                  By adding the abo

Vocabulary Day 210

Morbid Thesaurus: Adjective :   dark,  gloomy, deadly, dreadful, ghastly, hideous, grim, unusual, unhealthy... Antonyms : healthy, happy, pleased... Example sentences: ·            He's afraid of his morbid actions. ·            S h e looks morbid.

Aptitude Day 210

Answers of Day 209:   1. 3,600.                                        2. 5,000.  Problems on Partnership: 1. A, B and C rent a pasture. A puts 5 oxen for 3 months, B puts 15 oxen for 6 months and C puts 25 oxen for 9 months for grazing. If the rent of the pasture is 440, how much must B pay as his share of the rent? Solution:                  5*3 : 15*6 : 25*9                  1: 6: 15                  1+ 6+ 15 = 22                  B’s share = (440*6)/22                                   = 120. 2. In a business, A and B invested amounts in the ratio 2:3, whereas the ratio between amounts invested by A and C was 1:2. If 45,000 was their profit, how much amount did B receive? Solution:                  A: B: C = 2: 3: 4                  2+3+4 = 9                  B’s share = (45000*3)/9                                   = 15,000.

Vocabulary Day 209

Persevere Thesaurus: Verb :   endure, continue, work hard, hold on, maintain, persist, pursue, proceed... Antonyms : leave, quit, stop... Example sentences: ·            He must  persevere his work to attain his goals.  ·            Believe in yourself and persevere.   

Aptitude Day 209

Problems to solve: 1. A started a business investing 20,000 in 2015. In 2016, he invested an additional amount of 5,000 and B joined with him an amount of 10,000. After 6 months,  A invested another additional amount of 10,000 and C joined them with an amount of 25,000. What will be the B’s share in the profit of 26,100 earned at the end of 2 years from the start of the business in 2015? 2. A and B started a business with investments of 3,000 and 6,000 respectively. After 3 months, A takes out half of his capital. After 3 more months, B takes out one-third of his capital while C joins them with a capital of 5,000. At the end of a year, they earn a profit of 9,700. Find the share of C. 

Vocabulary Day 208

Cozy Thesaurus: Verb : comforta ble, soft, easef ul, intimate, warm, safe, secure, snug ... Antonyms : uncomfortable, uncozy ... Example sentences: ·          I t's very co zy to handle. ·           S he makes him cozy by embracing him.

Aptitude Day 208

Problems on Partnership: 1. A, B and C invested 3,000, 6,000 and 3,000 respectively in a business. A left after 5 months. If after 9 months, there was a gain of 4,000, then what will be the share of A? Solution:                  3000*5 : 6000*9 : 3000*9                  5: 18: 9                  5+ 18+ 9 = 32.                  A’s share = (4000*5)/32                                 = 625. 2. A, B and C enter into a partnership. They invest 20,000, 40,000 and 50,000 respectively. At the end of the first year, B withdraws 10,000 while C withdraws 30,000. In what ratio will the profit be shared at the end of 2 years? Solution:                  20,000*24 : (40,000*12 + 30,000*12) : (50,000*12 + 20,000*12)                  20,000*24 : 12(70,000) : 12(70,000)                  4: 7: 7

Vocabulary Day 207

Cloy Thesaurus: Verb : overfill , nauseate, satiate, overdose, fill, disgust , overabundance... Antonyms : lack, need, want... Example sentences: ·           He cloyed the deser t with more honey. ·           S h e keeps on eating her favourite food which eventually cloye d her.