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Showing posts from January, 2019

A review of my 365 days posts on Aptitude and Vocabulary

           Hey everyone. How are you? How's your new year is going on? I hope you've learnt more lessons both personally and professionally from the mistakes you've made in your 2018. Use those lessons to gear up your game in the upcoming years.            Personally, I've also learnt a lot more lessons in 2018 and I would love to share a few things about it. You people, know that I made a decision to post daily aptitude and vocabulary posts on January 1st, 2018. But due to some situations like my health issues, unexpected trips and exams I couldn't make out on the daily basis. So I've decided to complete at least before January 1st, 2019 but I ended up in finishing on January 3rd.            To my surprise, I didn't feel any regret for this because I've learnt some valuable life lessons and learnt a lot more about myself actually. Those days helped me to evaluate myself as well as I got to know my calibre, capacity etc you name it and I'm

Vocabulary Day 365

Elate Thesaurus:  Verb : encourage, inspire, cheer, applaud, boost ...   Noun : wood... Antonyms : discourage ...   Example sentences:  ·            She's always used to elate him to practice more. ·             He elates me a lot to achieve my dreams. 

Aptitude Day 365

Answers of Day 364: 1. 8: 7.                                         2. 18, 24, 42. Problems to solve: 1. If 10% of x = 20% of y, then x: y is equal to: 2. A man buys an article for 27.50 and sells it for 28.60. Find his gain percent.   Answers: 1. 2: 1.                     2. 4%.

Vocabulary Day 364

Lumber Thesaurus:  Verb : walk heavily, weigh, load, land, saddle ...   Noun : wood ...   Antonyms :  unburden... Example sentences:  ·            She lumbered through the forest. ·             We need a few more lumber .

Aptitude Day 364

Answers of Day 363: 1. 10123.20.                                     2. 1.5 km/hr. Problems to solve: 1. In what ratio must rice at 9.30 per kg be mixed with rice at 10.80 per kg so that the mixture be worth 10 per kg? 2. The ratio of the three numbers is 3: 4: 7 and their product is 18144. The numbers are:

Vocabulary Day 363

Confide Thesaurus:  Verb : delegate, admit, confess, reveal, disclose, hint, intimate, suggest ...   Antonyms :  hide... Example sentences:  ·            Confide the works to them.  ·             She confided her opinion to him. 

Aptitude Day 363

Answers of Day 362: 1. 1/6.                                     2. 5/12.   Problems to solve: 1. What will be the compound interest on a sum of 25,000 after 3 years at the rate of 12 p.c.p.a.? 2. A man can row upstream at 7 kmph and downstream at 10 kmph. Find man’s rate in still water and the rate of current.

Vocabulary Day 362

Fist Thesaurus:  Noun : clenched hand, grip, clutch, hold ...   Example sentences:  ·             Use your fist to punch. ·             He attacks him by using his fist .

Aptitude Day 362

Answers of Day 361: 1. 20%.                                     2. 60.   Problems to solve: 1. In a simultaneous throw of two dice, what is the probability of getting a doublet? 2. Two dice are tossed. The probability that a total score is a prime number is:

Vocabulary Day 361

Warily Thesaurus:  Adverb : carefully, cautiously, suspiciously, tentatively ...   Example sentences:  ·            He's nervous, handle him warily .  ·            She looks warily .

Aptitude Day 361

Answers of Day 360: 1. 10 years.                                     2. 1024.   Problems to solve: 1. The rate at which a sum becomes four times of itself in 15 years at S.I., will be: 2. In how many ways can the letters of the word ‘APPLE’ be arranged?

Vocabulary Day 360

Flinch Thesaurus:  Verb : crouch, cower, escape, withdraw, cringe, shy ...   Antonyms :  confront... Example sentences:  ·            She flinched from the embarrassment made by him.  ·             He flinches from the crowd 

Aptitude Day 360

Answers of Day 361: 1. 144.                                     2. 23.   Problems to solve: 1. A is two years older than B who is twice as old as C. If the total of the ages of A, B & C be 27, then how old is B? 2. The value of (256) 5/4 is:

Vocabulary Day 359

Suspension Thesaurus:  Noun : delay, break, termination, downtime, halt, freeze. ..   Antonyms :  finish, completion... Example sentences:  ·            Put a suspension to his behaviour.  ·             This leads to the  suspension of his career. 

Aptitude Day 359

Answers of Day 358: 1. 11(1/9).                                     2. 9.   Problems to solve: 1. Three-Fourth of a number is 60 more than its one-third. The number is: 2. The product of two numbers is 120 and the sum of their squares is 289. The sum of the numbers:

Vocabulary Day 358

Flee Thesaurus:  Verb : avoid, break, depart, fly, get away, vanish, take off ...   Antonyms :  stay, wait... Example sentences:  ·            She fleed away to her home.  ·             He's tired of everything and fleed to a different country. 

Aptitude Day 358

Problems to solve: 1. The average of the first nine prime numbers is: 2. The average of a non-zero number and its square is 5 times the number. The number is:

Vocabulary Day 357

Glum Thesaurus:  Adjective : sullen, blue, depressed, down, low, gloomy, sad ...   Example sentences:  ·            She's glum and tired.  ·             The cloud looks glum .

Aptitude Day 357

Problems on Profit and Loss: 1. The profit earned by selling an article for 500 is equal to the loss incurred when the same article is sold for 450. What should be the sale price for making 10% profit? Solution:                   500-x = x-450                   x = 475.                  Required sale price = 110/100 * 475                                                  = 522.5. 2. If the cost price of 10 pens is equal to the selling price of 6 pens, the gain percent is: Solution:                   Gain percent = 4/6 * 100                                        = 66.67%.

Aptitude Day 356

Problems on Profit and Loss: 1. The ratio between the sale price and the cost price of an article is 8: 7. What’s the ratio between the profit and the cost price of that article? Solution:                   Gain = 8x-7x = x.                   Required ratio = x: 7x                                           = 1: 7. 2. If the selling price is doubled, the profit triples. Find the profit percent. Solution:                   Let C.P be x and S.P be y.                   3(y-x) = (2y-x)                   y = 2x.                   Profit =y-x = 2x-x = x.                   Profit % = x/x * 100 = 100%.

Vocabulary Day 356

Dislodge Thesaurus:  Verb : dislocate, disturb, remove, displace ...   Example sentences:  ·            She dislodged her shoulder in the accident.  ·             He dislodges all the properties from her room.

Vocabulary Day 355

Knit Thesaurus:  Verb : bind, cable, heal, join, link, repair, web, intertwine ...   Antonyms :  unknit... Example sentences:  ·            She knitted a sweater.  ·             They knit the wires together. 

Aptitude Day 355

Problems on Profit and Loss: 1. A fruit seller sells apples at the rate of 5 per kg and thereby loses 10%. At what price per kg, he should have sold them to make a profit of 8%? Solution:                   90: 5 = 108: x                   x = 5*108/90                      = 6. 2. The ratio of the cost price and the selling price is 2: 3. The profit percent is: Solution:                   3x-2x = x.                   Profit % = x/2x * 100                                  = 50%.

Vocabulary Day 354

Queasy Thesaurus:  Adjective : anxious, ill, uncomfortable, sick, uncertain, unwell, upset ...   Antonyms :  comfortable, healthy... Example sentences:  ·            She's queasy about her upcoming interview.  ·             You look queasy , what happened?

Aptitude Day 354

Answers of Day 353: 1. 25%                                     2. 1350. Problems on Profit and Loss: 1. A purchased a machine for 50,000 and spent 3,000 on repair and 500 on transport and sold it with 10% profit. At what price did he sell the machine? Solution:                    110/100 * 53,500 = 58,850. 2. When a plot is sold for 18,000, the owner loses 10%. At what price must the plot be sold in order to gain 10%? Solution:                  x = (18,000*110)/90                     = 22,000.

Vocabulary Day 353

Doodle Thesaurus:  Verb : draw, scribble, putter, fiddle ...   Example sentences: ·            He doodles in his note.  ·             She doodles around by doing nothing. 

Aptitude Day 353

Problems to solve on Profit and Loss: 1. A purchased 10 dozens of toys at the rate of 480 per dozen. He sold each one of them at the rate of 50. What was his profit percent? 2. A person buys a cycle for 1500 and sells it at a loss of 10%. What’s the selling price of the cycle?

Vocabulary Day 352

Evade Thesaurus:  Verb : avoid, confuse, conceal, decline, dodge, escape, shift, shy ...   Antonyms:  face, meet... Example sentences:  ·            It'll be good for you if you evade her.  ·             The clue evades in this scene. 

Aptitude Day 352

Problems on Profit and Loss: 1. A buys an old scooter for 3000 and spends 500 on its repairs. If he sells the scooter 4000, his gain percent is: Solution:                  Gain % = 500/3500 * 100                               = 14.29%. 2. A purchased 50 kg of potatoes for 350 and sold the whole lot at the rate of 12 per kg. What will be his gain percent? Solution:                   Cost of 1 kg = 350/50                                        = 7.                   Gain % = 5/7 * 100                                = 71. 43%.

Vocabulary Day 351

Gist Thesaurus:  Noun : essence, meaning, basis, force, idea, keynote, point, subject ...   Example sentences: ·            Just jot down the gist .  ·             Grab the gist of the drama. 

Aptitude Day 351

Answers of Day 350: 1. 140%                                     2. 25% Problems on Profit and Loss: 1. Some articles were bought at 30 for 20 and sold at 20 for 30. Gain percent is: Solution:                   C.P of 60 articles = 20/30 *[60] = 40.                   S.P of 60 articles = 30/20*[60] =90.                   Gain = 50/40*[100] = 125%. 2. A pair of articles was bought for 40 at a discount of 20%. What must be the market price of each article ? Solution:                  S.P of each article = 40/2 = 20.                  80% of market price = 20/80*[100] = 25.

Vocabulary Day 350

Tousle Thesaurus:  Verb : clutter, disorder, disarray, muss ...   Example sentences: ·           The wind tousled the papers. ·             They tousle the things.