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Vocabulary Day 85

Dodge Thesaurus: Verb: avoid           elude, escape, fence, fudge, ditch, dark, deceive, trick, slip, slide...      Noun: trick           plan, plot, strategy, method...                                           Antonyms:  face, encounter . ..                                         Example sentences: ·        He's trying to dodge from that scene.   ·        It's kind of dodging the process.  

Aptitude Day 85

Ratio and Propagation: 1. X and Y together have 91. If 3/4 of X is equal to 9/2 of Y's amount. How much amount does Y have?  Solution:               X+Y = 91 ----- Equation 1               3/4 X = 9/2 Y               X = 6Y.               From equation 1, we get               6Y+Y = 91               7Y = 91               Y = 13. 2. Two numbers are respectively 30% and 70% more than the first number. The ratio of first 2 numbers is: Solution:               Let the ratio be a:b:c.               a: (130/100)a: (170/100)a               10: 13: 17.               a = 10*13 = 130.               b = 13*13 = 169.        

Vocabulary Day 84

Startle Thesaurus: Verb: surprise, scare           astonish, alarm, amaze, bolt, fright, jump, stun...                                         Antonyms:  comfort, expect . ..  Example sentences: ·        You startled me. ·        It was meant to startle you. 

Aptitude Day 84

Ratio and Proportion: 1. 290 is divided amongst P, Q and R so that P may get 1/4 as much as Q and R together, Q may get 1/3 as much as P and R together. Find the share of P. Solution:                 P:(Q+R) = 1:4                 Total parts = 5.                 P's share = 1*(290/5)                                = 58. 2. A sum of 60 is divided amongst A, B, C and D such that A/B = B/C = C/D = 1/2. C's share is: Solution:               A = 1*1*1 = 1               B = 2*1*1 = 2               C = 2*2*1 = 4               D = 2*2*2 = 8               Total parts = 15.               C's share = 4*(60/15) = 16.

Aptitude Day 83

Ratio and Proportion: 1. The sum of the 3 numbers is 148. If the ratio of the first to the second is 1:3 and that of the second to the third is 4:7, then the first number is: Solution:                Let the numbers be x, y and z.                x:y = 1:3 and y:z = 4:7                x:y:z = 4:12:21                4a+12a+21a = 148.                37a =148                a = 4.                The first number is 4a = 16. 2. A fraction which bears the same ratio to 3/7 that 1/9 does to 5/12, is equal to: Solution:                Let that fraction be x.                x:3/7 :: 1/9: 5/12                (3/7)*(1/9) = x*(5/12)                x = 4/35.

Vocabulary Day 83

Captivate Thesaurus: Verb: bewitch           attract, allure, dazzle, delight, grip, hypnotize, bait, enchant, vamp, seduce...                                         Antonyms:  offend, repulse, aversion . ..  Example sentences:         ·        His attitude could captivate you. ·       She has the  captivating eyes. 

Aptitude Day 82

Ratio and Proportion: Answer of Day 81:   10, 15 and 35.    1. Salaries of A and B are in the ratio 3:4. If the salary of each is increased by 1000, the ratio becomes 13:20. What’s the B’s present salary? Solution:                   Let their salaries be 3x and 4x.                   3x+1000/ 4x+1000 = 13/20                   60x+20000 = 52x+13000                   8x = 7000                   4x = 3500                   B’s present salary is 4x+1000 = 4500. 2. If 6000 be divided among A, B and C in such a way that B gets 1/2 of A and C gets 1/3 of B, then the share of A is: Solution:                 Their ratio will be A: 1/2 A: 1/3B                 This becomes, A: 1/2A: 1/6A                 6:3:1.                Total parts = 10.                The share of A is 6(6000/10) = 3600.

Vocabulary Day 82

Flutter Thesaurus: Verb: wave rapidly            drift, agitate, dance, flicker, fluctuate, hover, oscillate, quiver, shake, vibrate...                                           Antonyms:  stay, remain, stay . ..  Example sentences:         ·        His heart flutters when he sees his crush.  ·       That incident causes a  flutter between them. 

Aptitude Day 81

Ratio and Proportion: 1. The ratio of 3 numbers is 1:2:3 and the sum of their squares is 504. The sum of the numbers is: Solution:                 Let the numbers be x, 2x and 3x.                 x 2 +(2x) 2 +(3x) 2  = 504                 14x 2  = 504                 x 2  =  36.                 x = 6.                 Their sum is 6+12+18 = 36. A problem to solve:  The ratio of 3 numbers is 2:3:7 and their product is 5250. The numbers are:

Vocabulary Day 81

Reluctant Thesaurus: Adjective: unwilling            afraid, cautious, diffident, loath, uncertain, wary, unenthusiastic...                                           Antonyms: eager, enthusiastic, willing . ..  Example sentences:         ·        He is reluctant to do that. ·       There must be something that makes reluctant to step in. 

Vocabulary Day 80

Goon Thesaurus: Noun: ruffian           rowdy, thug, tough guy, criminal, gangster, gorilla...      Example sentences:         ·        He is such a goon . ·       That goon was charged with the theft.

Aptitude Day 80

Ratio and Proportion: 1. Two numbers are in the ratio 9:10. If 2 is added to both, their ratio changes to 12:13. The smallest number is: Solution:                Let the numbers be 9x and 10x.                (9x+2)/(10x+2) = 12/13                117x+26 = 120x+24                x = 2/3.                The smallest number is 9x = 6. 2. 8900 were divided among x, y and z so that x:y = 4:5 and y:z = 6:7. Then, y gets: Solution:                x:y:z = 24:30:35                Total parts = 99                 y = 30*(8900/99)                 y = 3000.

Aptitude Day 79

Ratio and Propagation: 1. If 143 is divided into 3 parts, proportional to 1/2: 1/3: 1/4, then the middle part is: Solution:              1/2: 1/3: 1/4              6:4:3              Total parts= 13              The middle part is (143)4/13                                         = 11*4                                         = 44. 2. If 81 is divided into 4 parts proportional to 3, 6, 7 and 11 then the second smallest part is: Solution:               Total parts = 27.               The second smallest part is (81)6/27                                                       = 18.         

Vocabulary Day 79

Perturb Thesaurus: Verb: upset            agitate, annoy, confuse, disturb, fluster, trouble, vex, worry...                                           Antonyms:  calm, soothe . ..  Example sentences:         ·        Hannah was perturbed by his actions.  ·       She looks perturbed after that incident. 

Aptitude Day 78

Ratio and Proportion: 1. If (a+ b): (b+ c): (c+ a) = 8:9:10 and a+ b+ c = 36. Find the value of a. Solution:                 Let   a+b = 8x , b+c = 9x, and c+a = 10x.                Adding these 3 equations, we get                2(a+b+c) = 27x                2(36) = 27x                x = 8/3.                b+c   = 9x = 24.               (a+b+c)-(b+c) = 36 – 24               a = 12. 2. The salaries of A, B and C are in the ratio 3:5:7. If the increments of 10%,20% and 30% are allowed respectively in their salaries, then what will be the new ratio of their salaries? Solution:                  Let the new ratio be a: b: c.                  a = (110/100)3x = 33x/10.                  b = (120/100)5x = 6x.                  c = (130/100)7x = 91x/10.                  [Note: 100+10 = 110 , 100+20 = 120 and 100+30 = 130 are due to the increments by 10%, 20% and 30% respectively]                  a: b: c is 33x/10 : 6x : 91x/10   

Vocabulary Day 78

Bestow Thesaurus:  Noun: give              award, donate, devote, bequeath, give away, present...                                           Antonyms:  take, refuse . ..  Example sentences:         ·        He bestows more time to his family. ·       She's bestowed for her social activities.

Vocabulary Day 77

Cynicism Thesaurus:  Noun: bitterness              pessimism, sarcasm, distrust, acrimony...                                           Antonyms:  optimism, trust . ..  Example sentences:         ·        He's disappointed with the cynicism of the students.  ·       This act of cynicism affects your health to a greater extent.  

Aptitude Day 77

Ratio and Proportion: 1. If x/3 = y/7, then (x+4) : (y+9) is equal to: Solution:                x/y = 3/7               (x+4)/(y+9) = (3+4)/(7+9)                                     = 7/16. 2. If a/5 =b/2 = c/3, then (a+ b+ c)/b is equal to: Solution:               Let a/5 = b/2 = c/3 = x               a= 5x, b= 2x and c= 3x               (a+ b+ c )/ b = (5x+2x+3x) / 2x                                      = 10x/2x               (a+ b+ c )/ b = 5.

Vocabulary Day 76

Assailant Thesaurus:  Noun: attacker             antagonist, enemy, foe, goon, invader, assaulter...                                           Antonyms:  protagonist, supporter . ..  Example sentences:         ·        He's your assailant . Is'nt he? ·       These are the clues left by the assailant .

Aptitude Day 76

Ratio and Proportion: 1. If 4x 2 +9y 2 = 12xy, then x:y is: Solution:              4x 2 -12xy+9y 2 = 0              4x 2 -6xy-6xy+9y 2 = 0              (2x-3y) 2 = 0              2x=3y              x/y = 3/2.              The ratio is 3:2. 2. If 9x 2 -16xy+7y 2 = 0, then x:y is: Solution:               9x 2 -16xy+7y 2 = 0               9x 2 -9xy-7xy+7y 2 = 0               (x-y)(9x-7y) = 0                x=y, 9x=7y                x:y = (1:1) or (7:9)

Aptitude Day 75

Ratio and Proportion: 1. If x:y = 4:1, then (x 2 -y 2 ) : (x 2 +y 2 ) is Solution:                x 2 /y 2 = 16/1               (x 2 -y 2 ) / (x 2 +y 2 ) = (16-1) / (16+1)                                           = 15/17.               (x 2 -y 2 ) : (x 2 +y 2 ) = 15:17. 2. If (x 2 -3y 2 ) : (x 2 -y 2 ) = 1:3, then x:y is: Solution:              (x 2 -3y 2 ) / (x 2 -y 2 )  = 1/3              3x 2 -9y 2 = x 2 -y 2              2x 2 =8y 2              x 2 /y 2 = 4              x/y = 2.                       The ratio is 2:1.

Vocabulary Day 75

Dizzy Thesaurus: Adjective :  confused                    distracted, disturbed, dumb, faint, shaky, staggered, upset ...                                           Antonyms:  clear, unconfused . ..  Adjective :  foolish                    fickle, silly, unstable, skittish, giddy, crazy ...                                           Antonyms:  sensible, smart . ..  Example sentences:         ·        She's a bit  dizzy nowadays.  ·       If you feel dizzy , have some water.

Vocabulary Day 74

Verge Thesaurus: Noun :  limit            border, edge, lip, margin, point, rim, selvage, extreme ...                                           Antonyms: middle, halfway, inner . ..  Verb :  communicate           border, approach, incline, neighbour ...                                           Antonyms:  retreat, departure . ..  Example sentences:         ·        She's on the verge of losing her boyfriend.  ·       He's on the verge of collapsing these days.

Aptitude Day 74

Ratio and Proportion: 1.  A bag contains 50p, 25p and 10p coins in the ratio 3:10:18, amounting to Rs. 58. Find the number of coins of each type. Solution:                 Let the number of 50p, 25p and 10p coins be 3x, 10x and 18x respectively.                 3x/2 + 10x/4 + 18x/10 = 58      [  1 Re = 2 (50p) = 4 (25p) = 10 (10p) ]                 30x + 50x + 36x = 58 *20                 116x = 58*20                 x = 1160/116                 x = 10.                 The number of 50p, 25p and 10p coins are 3x = 30 , 10x = 100 and 18x = 180 respectively.               2. If 30%  of x = 50% of y, then x:y is: Solution:                 30x/100 = 50y/100                 x/y = (50/100) * (100/30)                       = 5/3                The ratio is 5:3.

Vocabulary Day 73

Sleazy Thesaurus: Adjective :  cheap ,  low, mean, poor, sordid, shabby, disreputable ...                                           Antonyms:  good, reputable, respectable . ..  Example sentences: ·       Those products are sleazy to use. ·       You sleazy, get lost. 

Aptitude Day 73

Ratio and Proportion: 1. If a:b:c = 3:4:5, then a/b:b/c:c/a is: Solution:               Let a,b and c be 3x,4x and 5x respectively.               a/b:b/c:c/a = 3x/4x : 4x/5x : 5x/3x                                 = 3/4: 4/5: 5/3                                 = 45:48:100. 2. A mixture contains water and oil in the ratio 3:1. If 4 litres of oil is added to the mixture, the ratio becomes 3:2. Find the quantity of water in the given mixture.  Solution:                Let the quantity of both be 3x and x respectively.                3x/(x+4) = 3/2                6x = 3x+12                3x = 12                x = 4.                The quantity of water in the given solution is 3x = 12 litres. 

Vocabulary Day 72

Cordiality Thesaurus: Noun : friendliness ,  earnestness, favour, heartiness, sociability, mutuality, warmth, understanding ...                                           Antonyms:  hostility, unfriendliness, unsociability . ..  Example sentences:         ·        Don't you know the difference between cordiality and mistake?  ·       Their cordiality made me comfortable.

Aptitude Day 72

Ratio and Proportion: 1. If 1/4 : 1/x = 1/x : 10/1.6, then the value of x is: Solution:                This is in the form of a:b::c:d                b*c = a*d                (1/x)*(1/x) = (1/4)*(100/16)                1/x 2 = 25/16                x 2 = 16/25                 x = 4/5.     2. If 0.5 : x :: 13:6, Then the value of x is: Solution:                  13x = 0.5*6                  13x = 3                   x = 3/13.