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It's time to get back to your childhood


  Hey, my friends... How is your life going on? Are my tips working? Please share your feedback so that I can improve myself.
                      It's time to get back to your childhood to know who you really are... Let's dig out deep inside to know about us more. For example, I'll share my experience. This gives you a hint to think about it.

                When I was 13, I used to wake up at 5am and I'll do some cleaning works for 10 minutes after refreshing. I'll do yoga for 30 minutes. After this, I'll take bath and have my coffee by 6am. At sharp 6am, I'll go to the upstairs to study and I'll return downstairs by 8am to get ready for my school and have my breakfast by 8.30 and at sharp 8.30 I'll go by bicycle to my school.


                After coming home from school at 4.30pm, I'll refresh and sit to do my homework at 5pm and I'll complete that by 8pm. At 8, I'll sit for my dinner. After finishing my dinner, I will spend some time with my friends but not with my family members (because being a teenager, friends are our world). Then at 10pm, I'll go to my bed.

                 I was really punctual at that time as you can see my daily routine above.
                Now, I'm 20. I may wake up at 6 or sometimes 6.30 or sometimes even 7. I need to get my bus at 7.45am so that I should move from home by 7.35am. I'll get ready as quick as possible and I'll move to the bus stop.

                After coming home from college at 6pm, I'll use my cell phone and refresh myself then again I'll use my phone and share the things which happened that day with my mom and go back to sleep at 10 or 11 or sometimes 12am. Again there is no regularity and certainty. I used to study during my internals that too while travelling to my college. 

               These are the differences between the then and now. I was thinking, what may be the reason for this change? Then I realised a few points to consider which made the impact in my life. They're
                1. My Syllabus had changed when I'm moving to 9th grade. The syllabus which I've studied till 8th grade is quite standard and tough to study. We had many subjects and books to study in detail. But the syllabus which had changed is not tough to study at all. It loses its quality. It was like the syllabus is repeating which I've studied from my 6th grade to 8th grade. This was the very first thing which made me lazy. When the syllabus becomes easy, why do I need to put the effort as before? So I started sleeping more and doing other activities other than studying. The thing which I've understood from this is that studying will make us a disciplined person beyond we think.

              2. Usage of smartphones. When I was 13, we had only the basic model which didn't make us tired as we're experiencing these days. Prolonged usage of phones, makes us tired, lazy etc... In those days we used phones just for calling and texting whereas now, the story is different.

             3. Change in culture. We millennials have the mindset that if we're regular as we were before like waking up early etc... People used to say that we're not enjoying our lives and consider us a nerd. You may feel, I'm not the one who changes my good behaviour and attitude for the sake of others thoughts and words. You're changing without actually knowing yourself. The things which others used to say make a huge impact on you.

 Few examples are,
                One who is not going to parties and one who wakes up and going to bed early and the person who doesn't have a girlfriend or boyfriend and the one who studies and learns new things and the one who goes for a vacation and living in the moment without taking selfies and posts nothing on facebook are not enjoying their life according to some loony people.

                So this mentality of others making an impact on you to behave in these manners which are actually not making us happy instead we're feeling worried, anxiety etc... You were regular that made you happy but now things got changed. We started living for the people in the society and not for us. So stop doing what others say and do the things which you actually love to do. That makes you happy and that makes you real.

                Note: I told you that when I was in my teenage, I was not attached to my parents. This is one of the negative things. But now, my best friend is my mom. It's really hard to find a good friend these days. But when everyone goes, you'll notice that your mom will be there for you. Even though I'm irregular, I'm a good daughter to my mom and I'm so happy about that. The reason for saying this is that you should adopt only the good things from your childhood days and work on it to make you happy and successful.

              I've taken a few steps like reading etc... Soon I'll be myself by following my own rules. So today make a list or daily routine(it may include everything - studying, hobbies,  playing, drawing, sports and any other extracurricular activities) which you've done in your childhood as well as now to see the difference and analyze your own reasons which inhibit you from reaching your objective and being happy and turn the negative into positive ones. Make a strong impression in your mind to avoid others opinions in order to live your life happily. It'll be quite difficult to follow the old routine which you've followed in your childhood. Try to adopt those good habits one by one. It'll be difficult but it's not impossible. After all, you're gonna adopt your own daily routine, mindset, behaviour and character.

             That's all about this. Take some steps to know yourself and being yourself more. Lemme know about your experience in the comment section. See you guys...


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