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Aptitude Day 32

Problems on Numbers 1. A number is as much greater than 20 as is less than 66. Find the number. Solution:                   Let the number be x.                   x-20 = 66-x   [As per the given condition]                      2x = 86                        x=43.                   The number is 43.               2. Find the number such that 22 is subtracted from 6 times the number, the result is 2 more than twice the number. Solution:                   Let the number be x.                   6x-22 = 2x+2  [Given condition]                      4x = 24                        x = 6.                   The number is 6. 3. The sum of the rational number and its reciprocal is 13/6. Find the number. Solution:                   Let the number be x.                   x+(1/x) =13/6                   6(x 2 +1) = 13x                    6x 2 +6=13x                    6x 2 -13x+6=0                   6x 2 -9x-4x+6=0                   3x(

Vocabulary Day 32

Indulge Thesaurus: Verb : allow            entertain, delight, give in, go along, please, pamper, satisfy... Antonyms : disappoint, distress ...         Example sentences: ·          You must indulge your child.  ·          One must not indulge in such activity.

Aptitude Day 31

Problems on Ages 1. My brother is 3 years elder to me. My father was 28 years of age when my sister was born while my mother was 26 years of age when I was born. If my sister was 4 years of age when my brother was born, then, what was the age of my father and mother respectively when my brother was born? Solution:                 My father’s age when my sister was born = 28 years.                 My mother’s age when I was born = 26 years.                 Therefore,                        My father’s age when my brother was born = 28 + 4 = 32 years.                        My mother’s age when my brother was born = 26-3 = 23 years. 2. A Person was asked to state his age in years. His reply was, “Take my age three years hence, multiply it by 3 and then subtract three times my age three years ago and you will know how old I am.” What was the age of the person? Solution:                   Let the present age of the person be x.                   [(x+3)*

Vocabulary Day 31

Lobby Thesaurus: Noun : entrance hall             corridor, doorway, hall, passage, porch, waiting room... Verb : press for political action           influence, affect, build up, induce, persuade, pressure, urge ...         Example sentences: ·          He is in the lobby. ·         They have arranged a lobby for the improvement of the people.

Aptitude Day 30

Problem on Ages 1. If 6 years are subtracted from the present age of A and the remainder is divided by 18, then the present age of B is obtained. If B is 2 years younger to C whose age is 5 years, then what is A’s present age? Solution:                  Let A’s present age be x.                  B’s present age is 5-2 = 3 years.                  (x - 6)/18 = 3 [As per the given condition]                   x - 6 = 54                      x =60                  A’s present age is 60 years. 2. A’s father was 38 years of age when she was born while her mother was 36 years old when her brother  four years younger to her was born. What’s the difference between the ages of her parents? Solution:                   Mother’s age when A’s brother was born = 36 years.                   Father’s age when A’s brother was born = 38 + 4 =42 years.                   The difference between them is 42 - 36 = 6 years.

Vocabulary Day 30

Reminisce  Thesaurus: Verb : recall            remember, recollect, remind, retain, review, look back... Antonyms : forget.         Example sentences: ·          He reminisces about his school days when he met his friend. ·         Whenever I see this picture, I reminisce  about my past.             

Aptitude Day 29

Problems on ages  1. A  mother told her daughter, “I was as old as you are at present at the time of your birth.“ If the mother’s age is 38 years now, the daughter’s age 6 years back was: Solution:                 Let the daughter’s present age be x.                 38-x = x  [As per the given statement]                  38=2x                  x = 19                 The daughter’s age 6 years back was x-6 = 19-6 = 13 years.                2. In 10 years, A will be twice as old as B was 10 years ago. If A is now 9 years older than B, the present age of B is: Solution:                   Let B’s present age be x and A’s present age be x+9 [Given]                    In 10 years,                                     (x+9)+10 = 2(x-10)                                            x+19 = 2x-20                                                   x=39                  The present age of B is x which is 39 years. 3. A’s age is 1/6 th of B’s age. B’s age

Vocabulary Day 29

Loath Thesaurus: Adjective : against                   afraid, counter, opposed, resisting, unwilling... Antonyms : approving, unopposed, willing...         Example sentences: ·         They were loath to such principles. ·         He was loath to take up the task.

Aptitude Day 28

Problem on Ages 1. The sum of the 5 children born at the intervals of 3 years each is 50 years. What's the age of the youngest child? Solution:                 Let the ages of the 5 children be x,(x+3),(x+6),(x+9) and (x+12)                 x+(x+3)+(x+6)+(x+9)+(x+12)= 50  [Given]                 5x+30=50                 5x=20                  x=4                  The age of the youngest child is x = 4 years. 2. A is aged 3 times more than B. After 8 years, A would be 2 and half times of B's age. After further 8 years, how many times he would be of B's age? Solution:                Let the age of B is x and A's age will becomex+3x = 4x.                         After 8 years, (4x+8) = 5/2(x+8)           [Note: 2 and half becomes 5/2]                                        2(4x+8) = 5(x+8)                                          8x+16 = 5x+40                                                 3x = 24                                                  

Vocabulary Day 28

Woe Thesaurus: Noun : suffering            curse, calamity, burden, agony, anguish, depression, grief, heartbreak, misery, pain, trouble, unhappiness... Antonyms : happiness, joy... Example sentences: ·           Woe is a part of love. ·           Sarah couldn't come out of her woe even after years.

Aptitude Day 27

Problem on Ages: 1. The age of a man is three times the sum of the ages  of his two sons. After five years, his age will be double of the sum of the ages of his sons. What’s the present age of the father? Solution:                  Let the sum of the ages of 2 sons be x.                  Then the father’s age will be 3x.                  After 5 years,                      3x+5 = 2(x+10)   [Note: 10 is due to the sum of the 2 sons will rise to 10 after 5 years]                       3x+5 = 2x+20                              x = 15                 The present age of the father is 3x = 45 years. 2. The sum of the ages of a mother and her son is 45 years. Five years ago, the product of their ages was 34. The ages of the son and the mother are respectively: Solution:                   Let the son’s age be x and the mother’s age is (45-x).  [Given: The sum of their ages is 45]                   Their product before 5 years was,                       

Vocabulary Day 27

Abreast Thesaurus: Adverb : next to                beside, in alignment, in line, level, side by side... Adverb : up-to-date                in touch, informed, familiar, knowledgeable... Antonyms : lost, out of touch... Example sentences: ·          You must stay abreast of current issues which are happening around the world. ·           Two people walking  abreast of one another along the pathway.

Aptitude Day 26

Problems on ages 1.  One year ago, A was four times as old as B. Six years hence, A's age will exceed B's age by 9 years. What's the ratio of the present ages of A and B? Solution:                 One year ago, let B's age be x and A's age is 4x.                 After 6 years, A's age will be 4x+1+6 and B's age will be x+1+6.                 As per the given, this becomes                                (4x+1+6)-(x+1+6)=9                                        4x+7-x-7=9                                              3x=9                                              x = 3                The ratio of their present ages is            (4x+1):(x+1)               13:4 2. Q is as much younger than R as he is older than T. If the sum of the ages of R and T is 50 years, what's the sum of the ages of R and Q and their difference? Solution:                 R-Q=R-T  (Q is as much younger than R as he is older than T)                 R+T =R+Q = 50

Vocabulary Day 26

Hoarse Thesaurus: Adjective : husky voice                   breathy, croaking, dry, growling, harsh, piercing, rough, uneven, whispering... Antonyms : smooth, soft... Example sentences: ·          He has such a hoarse voice. ·           From shouting, Hanna got this hoarse voice.

Vocabulary Day 25

Endeavor Thesaurus: Noun : attempt to achieve something             aim, effort, best shot, struggle, try, venture, work... Antonyms : idle, laziness... Noun : attempt to achieve something             address, apply, determine, dig, go for, grind, hassle, peg away, purpose, strive... Antonyms : laze, be idle, put off, procrastinate... Example sentences: ·          You'll find all of your endeavours succeed. ·           We wish her the best in her future endeavours.       

Aptitude Day 25

Problem On Ages: 1. The sum of present ages of a mother and her son is 60 years. Six years ago, mother's age was 5 times the age of the son. After 6 years, son's age will be: Solution:                 Let the present ages of son and mother be x and (60-x) respectively.                 Six years ago,                                   (60-x)-6 = 5(x-6)                                     54-x = 5x-30                                        6x = 84                                             x = 14                 After 6 years son's age will be x+6 = 14+6 = 20 years. 2. The total age of A and B is 12 years more than the total age of B and C. C is how many years younger than A? Solution:                 (A+B) - (B+C) = 12                      A+B-B-C = 12                           A-C = 12.                 C is 12 years younger than A.                                                                               

Vocabulary Day 24

Codswallop Thesaurus: Noun : nonsense, rubbish, senseless (British slang)          Example sentences:       ·         Some say he died. Codswallop , in my opinion. ·         Whatever he said is full of codswallop .

Aptitude Day 24

Problem on Ages: 1. Eighteen years ago, a mother was three times as old as her daughter. Now the mother is only twice as old her daughter. What’s the total of the sum of their present ages? Solution:                  Let the daughter’s present age is x.                  Let the mother’s present age is 2x.                  Eighteen years ago, the mother was three times as old as her daughter.                  Therefore,                                (2x-18) = 3(x-18)                                 2x-18 = 3x-54                                       x = 36                The present age of the mother is 2x = 2(36) = 72.                    The present age of the daughter is x = 36.                         The sum of their present ages = 72+36 = 108. 2. Neil’s present age is two-fifth of the age of his father. After 8 years, he’ll be one-half of the age of his father. How old is the father at present? Solution:                  Let the father’s  pr

Aptitude Day 23

Problem On Ages: 1. The ratio between the present ages of A and B is 5:3. The ratio between the A's age 4 years ago and B's age 4 years hence is 1:1. What's the ratio between the A's age 4 years hence and B's age 4 years ago ? Solution:                 The present ages of A and B is 5x and 3x respectively.                 A's age (4 years ago) = 5x-4                 B's age (4 years hence) = 3x+4                 Hence,                         (5x-4)/(3x+4) = 1/1                           (5x-4) = (3x+4)                                  2x = 8                                    x = 4                The ratio between the A's age 4 years hence and B's age 4 years ago is                          (5x+4):(3x-4)                           (20+4):(12-4)                                  24:8                                   3:1 2. A is two years older than B who is twice as C. If the total of the ages A, B and C be 27, then how old is

Vocabulary Day 23

Ensue Thesaurus: Verb : start to happen            appear, arise, attend, come up, follow, occur, proceed... Antonyms : precede, disappear... Example sentences: ·          Always a problem will ensue when they meet each other.  ·           The concert will ensue within few minutes.

Aptitude Day 22

Problem On Ages:  1. The ratio between the ages of M and N is 5:6 respectively. If the ratio between the one-third age of M and half of N's age is 5:9, then what's the age of N ? Solution:                Let their ages will be 5x and 6x respectively.                If the ratio between the one-third age of M and half of N's age is 5:9                Then,                            1/3(5x) / 1/2(6x) = 5/9                             9*(1/3)*(5x) = 5*(1/2)*(6x)                                       3*5x = 5*3x                                            15x = 15x                Thus, N's age can't be determined. 2. Ten years ago, A was half of B in age. If their ratio of their present ages is 3:4, what will be the total of their present ages ? Solution:                Let the ages(ten years ago) of A and B are x, 2x respectively.                Their present ages will be (x+10) and (2x+10) respectively.                  Hence,