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Aptitude Day 31

Problems on Ages

1. My brother is 3 years elder to me. My father was 28 years of age when my sister was born while my mother was 26 years of age when I was born. If my sister was 4 years of age when my brother was born, then, what was the age of my father and mother respectively when my brother was born?

                My father’s age when my sister was born = 28 years.
                My mother’s age when I was born = 26 years.
                       My father’s age when my brother was born = 28 + 4 = 32 years.
                       My mother’s age when my brother was born = 26-3 = 23 years.

2. A Person was asked to state his age in years. His reply was, “Take my age three years hence, multiply it by 3 and then subtract three times my age three years ago and you will know how old I am.” What was the age of the person?

                  Let the present age of the person be x.
                  [(x+3)*3]-3(x-3) = x      [As per the condition]
                     3x+9-3x+9 =x
                            x =18.
                 The person’s age is 18 years.

      Hey guys... How is your experience regarding Aptitude and Vocabulary?  Are there any changes in the way you’re thinking? Have you done your brain exercise regularly in these 30 days with the help of these aptitude questions?  Hope you’re enjoying. Keep doing.  I’m happy to see you’re still here after 30 days.To the new followers who don't get me what I said right now, check out this Aptitude and Vocabulary. For a few days, we’ve been seeing the problems only based on ages. I’m gonna get into a new topic from tomorrow so stay tuned. See you there friends.




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