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Aptitude Day 15

Answers of Day 14:   1. 3025
                                    2. 5625
                                    3. 11025
                                    4. 81225
      Today we're gonna take a look at a shortcut for getting the square of any number.

Example: 942=?

Solution:  For this shortcut, we'll be using 100, 1000,10000 and so on. So let's take a look at the question. The nearest number of 94 is 100.

Step 1: So subtract 94 from 100, You'll get the answer as 6.
 or  94 = 100-6.

Step 2: You should square this number ( ie., 6 ) which gives you 36. (Note: This number must be a 2 digit number or else add 0 in front of the obtained number) Keep this number aside. 

Step 3: Then you should subtract 6 from the number 94 which is your question. You'll get 88.

Step 4: Combine both 88 and 36 that gives you answer as 8836

     You may cross check this using calculator. There are some other rules for this shortcut. Let's check it out.


1. The above-given number is 94 which is less than 100 so we're subtracting. But if the number is higher than 100, you should add instead of subtracting in the first step.

2. There is no change in step 2 and 4. In the third step also you should add instead of subtracting. 

3.  If the number is a 3 digit number, you either subtract or add the given number from 1000. The thing is, the answer for this must be in 3 digit number. If it results in 2 digit number add 0 in front of the obtained number.

I'll explain this with another example.

 Example: 10032=?

Solution:  Here the nearest number of 1003 is 1000.

Step 1: When you add 1000 and 3, you'll get 1003
 or 1003= 1000+3. 

Step 2: You should square this number ( ie., 3 ) which gives you 9. But this is a one digit number so you've to add two zeros in front of 9 which results in 009. Keep this number aside.

Step 3: Then you should add 3 to the number 1003 which is your question. You'll get 1006.

Step 4: Combine both 1006 and 009 that gives you answer as 1006009

Problems to solve

1.    1032=?

2.   99952=?

3.   972=?

4.   10052=?

Check out the answers over here Aptitude Day 16


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