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Showing posts from July, 2018

Vocabulary Day 193

Idyllic Thesaurus: Adjective : perfect                   ideal, comfort, charming, idealized, pleasing, pastoral... Antonyms : imperfect, flawed... Example sentences: ·            Is this not an idyllic day? ·            It sounds idyllic.  

Aptitude Day 193

Problems on Simple Interest: 1. Jimmy borrowed some money at the rate of 3% p.a. for the 1 st 5 years, 5% p.a. for the next 7 years and 8% p.a. for the period beyond 15 years. If the total interest paid by him at the end of 15 years is 2220, how much money did he borrow? Solution:                  P*5*3/100 + P*7*5/100 + P*3*8/100 = 2220                  P/100 [15+35+24] = 2220                  P = 100*2220/74                  P = 3000.   2. A financier claims to be lending money at simple interest, but he includes the interest every six months for calculating the principal. If he’s charging an interest of 20%, the effective rate of interest becomes: Solution:                  Let the sum be 100.                  S.I for the 1 st 6 months = 100*1/2*20/100 = 10.                  S.I for the 1 st 6 months = 110*1/2*20/100 = 11.                  The amount at the end of 1 year = 100+10+11 = 121.                                     Eff

Vocabulary Day 192

Loom Thesaurus: Verb : appear           approach, be near, become visible, come into view, emerge, figure, menace, show... Antonyms : hide... Example sentences: ·            It has a looming scope. ·            They loomed in their costumes. 

Aptitude Day 192

Problems on Simple Interest: 1. A sum invested at 3% simple interest p.a. grows to 180 in 2 years. The same amount at 5% simple interest p.a. in 1(1/2) years will grow to: Solution:                 P = 180*100/3*2 = 3000.                 S.I = (3000*5*3/2)/100                 S.I = 90. 2. What will be the ratio of simple interest earned by a certain amount at the same rate of interest for 11 years and that for 22 years? Solution:                 P(11)R/100 : P(22)R/100                 11:22                 1:2.

Vocabulary Day 191

Paltry Thesaurus: Adjective : low                   worthless, cheap, common, poor, limited, beggarly, meager, petty, small... Antonyms : high, worthy, rich... Example sentences: ·            He just got a paltry sum from that work.  ·            Only paltry efforts are required to accomplish that task.

Aptitude Day 191

Problems on Simple Interest: 1. A certain amount earns a simple interest of 2500 after 5 years. Had the interest been 3% more, how much more interest would it have earned? Solution:                  The principal is not given so we couldn’t find the rate. So the data given is inadequate. 2. In how many years, 21000 will produce the same interest at 5% as 180000 produce in 2 years at 3(1/2)? Solution:                     S.I = PTR/100                   21000*5*T/100 = 180000*2*7/100*2                   T = 180000*2*7*100/100*2*5*21000                   T = 12 years.                               

Vocabulary Day 190

Grapple Thesaurus: Verb : catch           attack, battle, clash, grab, cope, deal with, encounter, face, snatch, seize, take... Antonyms : release... Example sentences: ·            The stranger grappled her arm.  ·            They've been grappled by their foes. 

Aptitude Day 190

Problems on Simple Interest: 1. A sum fetched a total simple interest of 2700 at the rate of 3% p.a. in 6 years. What’s the sum? Solution:                    S.I = PTR/100                    P = 100*2700/3*6                       = 15000. 2. 1000 becomes 1200 in 4 years at a certain rate of simple interest. If the rate of interest is increased by 2%, what amount will 1000 become in 3 years? Solution:                  S.I = PTR/100                  S.I = 1200-1000 = 200                  R = 100*200/1000*4                  R = 5%                  New R = 5+2 = 7%                  S.I = 1000*2*7/100                  S.I = 140.

Vocabulary Day 189

Proclivity Thesaurus: Noun : tendency             bent, inclination, druthers, liking, weakness, fondness, leaning... Antonyms : disclination... Example sentences: ·            He has no proclivity to get along with him.  ·            They had a proclivity towards politics. 

Aptitude Day 189

Problems on Simple Interest: 1. A man took a loan from a bank at the rate of 10% p.a. simple interest. After 2 years he had to pay 3000 interest only for the period. The principal amount borrowed by him was: Solution:                  S.I = PTR/100                  3000 = P*2*10/100                   P = 3000*100/2*10                   P = 15000. 2. What is the present worth of 160 due in 5 years at 10% simple interest per annum? Solution:                  Let the present worth be x.                  S.I = PTR/100                  160-x = x*5*10/100                  x = 160-50x/100                  x = 160-1/2(x)                  x(1+1/2) = 160                  x = 160*(2/3)                  x = 106.67.         

Vocabulary Day 188

Devoid Thesaurus: Adjective : empty                     bare, free from, lacking, needed, wanted, vacant, void, without... Antonyms : filled, full... Example sentences: ·            Nothing in life comes devoid of hurdles.  ·             He's devoid of faith.  

Aptitude Day 188

Problems on Simple Interest: 1. A sum of 5000 amounts to 8000 in 3 years at the rate of simple interest. What’s the rate of interest? Solution:                  S.I = 8000-5000 = 3000.                  S.I = PTR/100                  R = 3000*100/5000*5                  R = 20% 2. Tom took a loan of 90000 with a simple interest for as many years as the rate of interest. If she paid 2500 as interest at the end of the loan period, what was the rate of interest? Solution:                  T = R [Given]                  S.I = PTR/100                  2500 = 90000*R*R/100                  R 2 = 2500*100/ 90000                  R = 5/3 %

Vocabulary Day 187

Clientele Thesaurus: Noun : customers             following, market, public, regulars, trade, business, clients, audience... Antonyms : ownership, possessorship...  Example sentences: ·            They're our new clientele.   ·            It's not that hard to build up the clientele. 

Aptitude Day 187

Problems on Simple Interest: 1. A person borrows 10000 for 3 years at 5% p.a. simple interest. He immediately lends it to another person at 3(5/9) p.a. for 3 years. Find his gain in the transaction per year. Solution:                  R = 3(5/9) = 32/9.                  Total Gain = 10000*3*5/100 – 10000*(32/9)*3/100                           = 10000*3/100 [5-32/9]                           = 300 [(45-32)/9]                           = 300(13/9)                           = 433.29.                  Gain per year = 433.29/ 3 = 144.43. 2. How much time will it take for an amount of 500 to yield 250 as interest as 5% per annum of simple interest? Solution:                    S.I = PTR/100                   250 = 500*5*T/100                   T = 10 years. 

Vocabulary Day 186

Trajectory Thesaurus: Noun : course            route, path, track, line, direction, flow, trail, aisle... Example sentences: ·            It's deviating from its trajectory.    ·            From the trajectory of the missile, we can say it goes towards the destined location. 

Aptitude Day 186

Problems on Simple Interest: 1. The simple interest on a sum of money is 25/49 of the principal. Find the rate percent and time, if both are numerically equal. Solution:                 Let the sum be x.                 T = R  and S.I = (25/49)x [Given]                 S.I = PTR/100                 (25/49)x =(x*R*R)/100                  25*100/49 = R 2                  R = 5*10/7                  R = 7(1/7)*                  T = 7 Years 2 months approximately. 2. A sum of 1500 is lent out into 2 parts, one at 6% and another one at 2%. If the total annual income is 50, find the money lent at each rate. Solution:                  Let the sum lent at 2 parts be x and 1500-x.                  S.I = PTR/100                  50 = x*1*6/100 + (1500-x)*1*2/100                  5000 = 6x+3000-2x                  4x = 2000                  x = 500.                  1500-x = 1000.                 The money lent at each rate are 500 and 10

Vocabulary Day 185

Felicitate Thesaurus: Verb : congratulate            praise, salute, applause, compliment, commend... Antonyms : reject, criticize... Example sentences: ·            He felicitated on her success. ·            His friends felicitated him for his good deeds. 

Aptitude Day 185

Problems on Simple Interest: 1. A borrowed some money at 3% p.a. for the 1 st year, at the rate of 6% p.a. for the next 3 years, and at the rate of 9% p.a. for the period beyond 6 years. If he pays a total interest of 22800 at the end of 8 years, how much money did he borrow? Solution:                    Let the borrowed money or principal be x.                    S.I = PTR/100                    22800 = (x*1*3)/100 + (x*3*6)/100 + (x*4*9)/100                    22800*100 = 3x + 18x + 36x                    2280000 = 57x                    x = 40000. 2. At what rate percent per annum will a sum of money double in 10 years? Solution:                    Here S.I = P since the amount will be doubled in 10 years.                    S.I = PTR/100                    R = P*100/PT                    R = 100/10                    R = 10 %

Vocabulary Day 184

Resilience Thesaurus: Noun : elasticity            spring, flexibility, pliability, plasticity... Antonyms : inflexibility, inelasticity... Example sentences: ·            His determination and resilience deserve an award.  ·            She reached her goals due to her resilience.

Aptitude Day 184

Simple Interest: Introduction: Simple Interest, SI = PTR/100 where  P = Principal.            T = Time (years).            R = Rate (per annum or p.a.).     Problem: Find the simple interest on 30,000 at 2/3 % per annum for 6 months. Solution:                  T = 6/12 = 1/2 Years                  S.I = PTR/100                        = [30000*1/2*2/3]/100                        = 100. 

Vocabulary Day 183

Hostage Thesaurus: Noun : captive             prisoner, surety, guaranty, security, victim... Antonyms : captor... Example sentences: ·            It's so frustrating that Science should be held hostage .  ·            They've released the hostages.   

Aptitude Day 183

A problem on Average: The average age of students of a class is 12.5 years. The average age of boys in the class is 13.5 years and that of the girls is 12 years. The ratio of the number of boys to the number of girls in the class is: Solution:                   Let the ratio be s:1                   s*13.5 + 1*12 = (s+1)12.5                    13.5s +12 = 12.5s + 12.5                   s = 0.5.                  The ratio is s:1 which is 0.5:1 = 1/2 : 1 = 1:2  From tomorrow we’re gonna look into the problems based on Simple Interest. If you’ve any queries based on the problems, please do ask in the comment section.  

Vocabulary Day 182

Extrapolate Thesaurus: Verb : assume           figure, foresee, guess, foretell, predict, anticipate, hypothesize...  Example sentences: ·           You can't extrapolate the results, so keep calm. ·            He ordered his employees to extrapolate the data.

Aptitude Day 182

  Answers of Day 181:  1.        8 years. 2.        38 years. Problems on Average: 1. The average salary of all the workers in a workshop is 6000. The average salary of 8 technicians is 10000 and the average salary of the rest is 2000. The total number of workers in the workshop is: Solution:                  Let the total number of workers be x.                  6000x = 10000*8 + 2000*(x-8)                  [Note: Remaining workers = x-8]                   6000x = 80000 + 2000x – 16000                   4000x = 64000                   x = 16.   2. In an examination, a pupil’s average marks were 70 per paper. If he had obtained 30 more marks for his Science paper and 5 more marks for his Maths paper, his average per paper would have been 75. How many papers were there in the examination? Solution:                  Let the number of papers be x.                                    70x+ 30+ 5 = 75x                  35 = 5x               

Vocabulary Day 181

Allude Thesaurus: Verb : refer           imply, bring up, point, suggest, advert, hint at... Example sentences: ·           You shouldn't allude to any online sources to complete your assignment.   ·            He didn't allude to any of them. 

Aptitude Day 181

Answers of Day 180:  1.        71. 2.         19. Problems to solve: 1. 2 years ago, the average age of a family of 6 members was 20 years. A child having been born, the average age of the family is the same today. The present age of the child is: 2. The average age of husband, wife and their child 2 years ago was 30 years and that of wife and the child 4 years ago was 25 years. The present age of the husband is:  

Vocabulary Day 180

Elude Thesaurus: Verb : escape           ditch, avoid, dodge, evade, trick, flee, fly, get away from... Antonyms : face, meet, confront... Example sentences: ·           Don't try to elude from that situation.   ·           He eluded from the scene. 

Aptitude Day 180

Problems to solve: 1. A cricketer has a certain average for 5 innings. In the 6 th inning, he scored 96 runs, thereby increasing his average by 5 runs. His new average is: 2. The average age of husband and wife was 25 years at the time of their marriage. After 3 years they have a one-year-old child. The average age of the family now is:   

Vocabulary Day 179

Wrench Thesaurus: Verb : a sudden violent pull           twist, tweak, jerk, tug, yank, drag, extract, rip, snatch... Antonyms : push, give, receive...  Example sentences: ·           He wrenched the box from me.  ·          Don't wrench it instead of asking her to give it.