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Showing posts from December, 2018

Vocabulary Day 297

Pamphlet Thesaurus: Noun :   booklet, circular, folder, handout, leaflet, brochure... Example sentences: ·             Could you pass that pamphlet ?  ·              I've received that pamphlet .

Aptitude Day 297

Answers of Day 296: 1. 16 seconds.                                      2. 100 m. Problems on Trains: 1. 2 trains are running in opposite directions at the same speed. If the length of each train is 150 m and they cross each other in 15 seconds, then the speed of each train is: Solution:                   2x = 150/15                   x = 5 m/s                  Speed = 5*18/5                              = 18 km/hr. 2. 2 trains of equal lengths 10 and 5 seconds respectively to cross a post. If the length of each train be 100m, in what time will they cross each other travelling in opposite direction? Solution:                   Speed of the train 1 = 100/10 = 10 m/s.                   Speed of the train 2 = 100/5 = 20 m/s.                  Time = (100+100)/(20+10)                            = 200/30                            = 6.7 seconds.

Vocabulary Day 296

Camouflage Thesaurus: Verb :   disguise, conceal, deceive, mask, obscure...  Noun :   mask, cloak, beard... Antonyms : reveal, uncover... Example sentences: ·             He's camouflaged under a cover.  ·              Don't camouflage by wearing this. 

Aptitude Day 296

Problems to solve on Trains:  1. 2 trains each 200 m long, are running in opposite directions on parallel tracks. Their speeds are 40 km/hr and 50 km/hr respectively. Find the time taken by the slower train to pass the driver of the faster one. 2. A 150 m long train running at the speed of 100 km/hr crosses another train running in the opposite direction at the speed of 80 km/hr in 5 seconds. What’s the length of another train?  

Vocabulary Day 295

Tier Thesaurus: Noun :   level, category, course, grade, order, rank, stratum... Example sentences: ·             He'll come under a higher tier . ·              This object has 5 tiers .  

Aptitude Day 295

Answers of Day 294: 1. 50 m.                                       2. 36 seconds. Problems on Trains: 1. A train 150 m long passes a man, running at 4 km/hr in the same direction in which the train is going, in 30 seconds. The speed of the train is: Solution:                   x-4 = 150*18/5 *1/30                   x = 34 km/hr. 2. 2 trains of equal length are running on parallel lines in the same direction at 60 km/hr and 40 km/hr. The faster train passes the slower train in 36 seconds. The length of each train is: Solution:                   Relative speed = 60-40 =20 km/hr                                                          = 20*5/18                                                          = 50/9 m/s.                   (x+x)/36 =50/9                    Length, x = 100 m.

Vocabulary Day 294

Lurk Thesaurus: Verb :   hide, sneak, slip, steal, crouch, cringe... Antonyms : appear, be exposed, come out... Example sentences: ·             He's lurking under the table. ·              Don't lurk out. . 

Aptitude Day 294

Problems to solve on Trains:  1. 2 trains are running at 30 km/hr and 20 km/hr respectively in the same direction. Fast train completely passes a man sitting on the slower train in 18 seconds. What’s the length of the fast train? 2. 2 trains 120 m and 100 m long run at the speed of 80 km/hr and 40 km/hr respectively in opposite directions on parallel tracks. The time which they take to cross each other is:

Vocabulary Day 293

Infringe Thesaurus: Verb :   violate, break, crash, disobey, meddle...  Antonyms : obey, comply... Example sentences: ·             He infringes the law all the time. ·              One must not infringe the rules. 

Aptitude Day 293

Answers of Day 292: 1. 350 m.                                      2. 50 m. Problems on Trains: 1. A jogger running at 10 km/hr alongside a railway track is 260 m ahead of the engine of a 130 m long train running at 49 km/hr in the same direction. In how much time will the train pass the jogger? Solution:                   Relative speed = 49-10                                             = 39 km/hr                                             = 195/18 m/s.                    Time = (260+130)/ (195/18)                              = 390*18/195                              = 36 seconds. 2. A train 180 m long is running with a speed of 50 km/hr. In what time will it pass a man who is running at 5 km/hr in the direction opposite to that in which the train is going? Solution:                    Relative speed = 50+5 = 55 km/hr                                                          = 55*5/18                                                       

Vocabulary Day 292

Flattery Thesaurus: Noun :   false praise, eulogy, eyewash, flummery, sweet talk, blarney... Antonyms : criticism, insult, offense... Example sentences: ·             Don't fall for her flattery .  ·              He's witnessed for his flattery . 

Aptitude Day 292

  Problems to solve on Trains:  1. A 150 m long train crosses a platform in 30 seconds while it crosses a signal pole in 9 seconds. What’s the length of the platform? 2. A train speeds past a pole in 10 seconds and a platform 50 m long in 20 seconds. It’s length is:

Vocabulary Day 291

Ruse Thesaurus: Noun :   trick, deceit, dodge, deception, hoax, wile, gambit... Example sentences: ·             He uses a ruse to allure her. ·              There's a  ruse  to solve that puzzle. 

Aptitude Day 291

Answers of Day 290: 1. 950 m.                                      2. 350 m. Problems on Trains: 1. A train moves past a telegraph post and a bridge 300 m long in 10 seconds and 25 seconds respectively. What’s the speed of the train? Solution:                   Let the distance and speed be x and y respectively.                   Time = x/y = 10.                    y = x/10                   Speed = Length / time                   x/10 = (x+300)/ 25                   x = 200 m.                   The speed of the train = 200/10                                                       = 20 m/s                                                       = 20*18/5                                                        = 72 km/hr.            2. How many seconds will a 200 m long train take to cross a man walking with a speed of 2 km/hr in the direction of the moving train if the speed of the train is 42 km/hr? Solution:                   Relat

Vocabulary Day 290

Wimp Thesaurus: Noun : baby, crybaby, jellyfish, loser, wuss, sissy, weakling...  Example sentences: ·            Instead of being wimp  be brave.  ·             He's such a wimp .

Aptitude Day 290

Problems to solve on Trains:  1. A train 400 m long is running at a speed of 162 km/hr. If it crosses a bridge in 30 seconds, then the length of the bridge is: 2. A train runs at a speed of 126 km/hr and crosses a 350 m platform in 20 seconds. What’s the length of the train?

Vocabulary Day 289

Influx Thesaurus: Noun : rush, invasion, incursion, flow, convergence...  Example sentences: ·           They influx to the hospital on hearing the news.  ·             Flood water influx to the ocean.  

Aptitude Day 289

Problems on Trains:  1. The length of the bridge, which a train 180 m long and travelling at 108 km/hr can cross in 20 seconds, is: Solution:                   Speed = 108*5/18                               = 30 m/s.                   30 = (180+x)/20                   x = 600-180                       = 420 m. 2. A train passes a platform in 24 seconds and a man standing on the platform in 10 seconds. If the speed of the train is 36 km/hr, what’s the length of the platform? Solution:                   Length of the train = 10*(36*5/18)                                                  = 100 m.                   (100+x)/24 = 36                    x = 864- 100                       = 764 m.

Vocabulary Day 288

Akin Thesaurus: Verb :   similar, related, alike, like, parallel, comparable, connate...  Antonyms : dissimilar, unrelated... Example sentences: ·           They are akin to one another.  ·             Both articles look akin .

Aptitude Day 288

Answers of Day 287: 1. 7(1/7) seconds.                                     2. 14 seconds. Problems on Trains:  1. A train covers a distance of 6 km in 5 minutes. If it takes 3 seconds to pass a telegraph post, then the length of the train is: Solution:                  Speed = 6/5 * 60                              = 72 km/hr                              = 72*5/18                              = 20 m/s..                  Length = 20*3                               = 60 m. 2. A train 120 m long passed a pole in 12 seconds. How long will it take to pass a platform 500 m long? Solution:                   Speed = 120/12                              = 10 m/s.                    Time = (120+500)/ 10                               = 620/10                               = 62 seconds.

Vocabulary Day 287

Slob Thesaurus: Noun :   messy person, pig, swine, sloven, slut...  Example sentences: ·             He's such a slob .  ·              Behave properly. Don't be a slob .

Aptitude Day 287

Answers of Day 286: 1. 2 seconds.                                      2. 13(1/5) seconds. Problems to solve on Trains: 1. A train 250 m long, running with a speed of 126 km/hr will pass a tree in: 2. A train 150 m long is running at a speed of 72 km/hr. In what time will it pass a bridge 130 m long?

Vocabulary Day 286

Voodoo Thesaurus: Verb :   black magic, alchemy, charm, conjuring, jinx, hoodoo, witchcraft...  Example sentences: ·             Practicing voodoo is a sin. ·              Don't use your voodoo here. 

Aptitude Day 286

Problems to solve on Trains:  1. In what time will a train 50 m long cross an electric pole, if its speed is 90 km/hr? 2. How long does a train 100 m long running at a speed of 60 km/hr take to cross a bridge 120 m in length?

Vocabulary Day 285

Admonish Thesaurus: Verb :   warn, advise, chide, scold, criticize, check, rebuke, blame...  Antonyms : praise, approve... Example sentences: ·             He admonished his student for his dressing.  ·              Don't admonish her.

Aptitude Day 285

Problems on Trains:  1. 2 trains 80 m and 100 m in length are running towards each other on parallel lines, one at the rate of 60 km/hr and another at 42 km/hr. In what time will they be clear of each other from the moment they meet? Solution:                   Relative speed = 60-42 = 18 km/hr                                                          = 18*5/18                                                          = 5 m/s.                   Length = 80+100                                = 180 m.                   Time = 180/5                             = 36 seconds. 2. A train running at the speed of 40 km/hr crosses a pole in 18 seconds. What’s the length of the train? Solution:                  Speed = 40km/hr                              = 40*5/18                             = 100/9 m/s.                   Length = 18*100/9                               = 200 m.

Vocabulary Day 284

Hooky Thesaurus: Noun :   cut, nonappearance, nonattendance, abrupt departure, absent without leave... Example sentences: ·             They played hooky last week. ·              Don't you dare to play hooky ?